Big day today, it’s the day after I gave the front lawn its first mowing of 2021. Oh, and today I get my first jab of the COVID vaccine as well. Future Paulie: fifty-three weeks later your life has improved (even if some of your technology has failed you this year, and most days you’d love to tear down the ITP Estate and start anew) and you won’t be on the return path the “normal” but rather on the continual path of your life. Deep, man…
Yesterday was a day of getting some chores done — Lowe’s run, a little weeding, lawn mowing, dirtying and washing many pots, bowls, and dishes, and some seed sowing (have put the next round in the “ground” to replace those that died this week). I suppose that I did some work for “XYZ Corp” as well.
As I mentioned in a comment yesterday, my lunch incorporated some lettuce and radishes harvested from WLF (the new moniker so in your head you can read “Wee’s Little Farm” or “Wee Little Farm”). I thought it was cool to eat my own food, even if it was included with store-bought goods. I should mention that I am not attempting to be a fully sustainable homesteader, I know that I can’t produce milk, make cheese, whatever, I’m just trying to incorporate this hobby’s output into my life.
Dinner last night was a failed, but edible Thai dish made in the Instant Pot. Because I couldn’t get the Instant Pot to achieve pressure the ingredients for the sauce never really came together so the sauce was grainy and none too pleasant at which to look. Oh well, you win some, you lose some.
My attempt to watch entertainment on my iPad failed last night in part because nothing I started to watch thrilled me, and in part because I fell asleep early. Yo ho ho the farmer’s life for me! 😂
Hope all is going well and you are staying healthy.
Looking at the seedlings that I transplanted on Monday. If they happen to die as well I am going to toss the soil (somewhere not in the growing area of WLF) and sanitize the trays before attempting to plant in them again.
Only late activity yesterday by the land guys. Were hoping they would be on site as the day was pretty perfect for burning, and they said they would be here after lunch. Little did we know they really meant after dinner. We went out to dinner as Debbie had had a tough day and needed wings and when we arrived home, there was a bull dozer in the front yard! I didn’t check it for keys…
I tried to ride indoors yesterday, and did spend time on the trainer, but had no energy and at the start of the second set, pulled the plug. Hoping this is a temporary setback.
Trip to Birmingham rescheduled for next week. I’ll believe it when I see it.
Hate it when that happens, not with bulldozer in my case of course…
Chin up. I’ve learned that my setbacks are more frequent, but not as long-lasting as I fear.