If I’d not had a minor setback in my knee rehab, yesterday would have been a pretty decent day. My leg didn’t bother me much at all for the entire day, but while walking through the kitchen last night there was a pinch of pain that I am hoping goes away today.
I was a busy little bee yesterday. I started the morning early by voting and then heading to Lowe’s. I made purchases for the garden, and when I went to use my $30 grift card it was declined — twice. I must have an honest face, even while masked because the woman at the self checkout helped me use the card’s entire $30 balance. Since I bought some heavy items I made a quick trip home to unload prior to driving to Ansley Mall to get a haircut. Once done with my haircut I popped into Publix to get a couple of items, and from there I went to the Home Depot in Buckhead to buy the wood splitting wedge that Lowe’s didn’t have in stock. I liberated some wood that my neighbor put on his curb, but it will need to be split before I can burn it in my fire pit.
I encountered my first fail of the day when I tried to eat lunch at Grindhouse on Piedmont. I was in the mood to eat meat and a burger sounded fantastic. Unfortunately, there was some sort of construction going on and it appeared that Grindhouse was closed. So, I returned home to eat lunch there instead.
With a belly filled with food, vegetarian hot dogs covered with sauerkraut, I went into the backyard to knock out some chores. I guess I put in about two hours’ worth of tree limbing and cutting of branches before calling it quits for the day. I also made a few squirrels mad by cutting down some small trees and limbs that were part of there highway system. After lounging a bit I attempted to look into my tub problem. Unfortunately my plumbing is a little more complicated than what I saw on YouTube, but I have managed to temporarily jerry-rig (jury-rig?) a solution that allows the water to drain; a more “permanent” fix will occur soon. I finished my night watching videos, and to be honest, typing this blog post.
Today? I am considering buying more things from Lowe’s before going to my PT session at 10am. I also want to knock out a little more yard work before the weather goes south for the remainder of the week. I suppose at some point I should start getting back into the coding mindset so that I can remain an employed iOS developer in 2021.
Hope your week is progressing nicely toward Christmas and that you are remaining healthy.
Perhaps reach out to former-ITP Reader Martha to compare surgery recovery notes?
Yeah, that’s probably a good idea. I’ll chat with the PT today as well.
Happy Festivus! Next year maybe I’ll have a Festivus gathering… 🤔
Hope your knee is feeling better. In talking to my coon-ass friend this morning, he mentioned his wife plans on complete knee replacements next year- both at once. Yeow!
A quiet day in the office, followed by a stop at my sisters to drop gifts for her grandkids.
A ride last night and at one point managed to hit 700 watts, which got me some sort of badge- I still haven’t figured it al out yet.
Today, while working, there will be errands to run- either virtually or literally. First chore will be feed the horses, after I finish my own breakfast!
Lot of crickets today…
I know I knew that sound!
Last minute Christmas gift located, ordered and should be delivered, along with a new project!! (just what I need) But this will be helpful for the new baby and foal-watch.
Nervous about the thought of rain and freeing cold weather over the next few days in regards to the tree limbs that hang over my power line. Hoping that I will get through the weekend without problems, and first thing Monday morning will return to hiring a tree service.
Well, I have a different tree service coming out on Monday, so fingers crossed that I don’t suffer from procrastinating on this project.