Pecking this out at 5:35am and I can already tell that there is a long nap in my future today.
Yesterday was a long day filled with chores and work. Perhaps the most important thing I accomplished yesterday was generating a short list of tasks to complete in June. One of the list items — buying and replacing the battery in one of my UPSs. Since my local Batteries Plus told tell me that my battery is in stock I have placed an order that I can pick up today.
With the prediction of some rain arriving this week I am going to get out and mow the lawn this morning. My daily laundry, even though today’s is supposed to be mostly cloudy, will have to wait for the lawn mowing to be completed.
Hope you are stay well, friends.
The Games BoD met again last night. We met last week and were told by the Prez that Stone Mountain had let all their staff go, no attractions were open and no events were planned or were able to be supported. Our host hotel was supposed to reopen this month, but has now been pushed to August, and even were we able tohave our events there, we could only have 1/3 of the folks in any given space due to social distancing rules they would enforce. We made the decision to pull the plug for 2020. Emails went out to our committee last night and the general announcement on our webpage and FB will be coming shortly. It wasn’t a hard decision, considering the current situation, but still not a happy one.
A nice ride last night of 20 on the CX. Not pushing, just steady.
Yeah, we who do not organize events often don’t realize how many gears must move in lockstep in order for an event to occur.
Ugh, sorry Steve. But good ride, yo!
Oh man. I’m so sorry Steve. 🙁
It appears I will be avoiding Instagram again today since it seems to continue to show me posts from yesterday which are nothing but black boxes. I understand what people did yesterday, and this is the negative side effect of Instagram not honoring a posting timeline. Maybe tomorrow I’ll start getting posts that are informative again…
“Lawn†is “mowedâ€, and a small amount of other yard cleanup is done.
I have washed and hung to dry a load of clothes.
I have showered.
I need a nap. 😂
I just saw a message on next door stating that the City or Atlanta curfew has been extended through Monday morning, with the curfew being set to 8pm on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday nights. This is getting ridiculous.
hi- 2 days off & craziness here.
the curfews are messing with the truck drivers too – they can be in trouble for being on the roads I’m told….. ARGH
Anyone working should be fine, but they might need to have some sort of letter.