
Well, not much to report today.

My knee is better, but not 100%. I will probably give it another day of rest.

Believe it or not I did Swift training until 8:30pm. Astute readers will recognize this as well into my Tuesday German class, and correctly ascertain that I skipped class.

Today I have a cooking tip for you: when you realize that you’ve misread the directions for making oatmeal and that you were supposed to cook the oats in the water, and not just poured hot water on the am stir for awhile, do not attempt to save it by following the microwave directions. After a minute in the microwave the bowl of oatmeal was completely spilling out of the bowl. 🤦🏻‍♂️

I’m leaving the house again today, to make a beer run and a potential Kroger stop, though it’s more likely that I’ll hit Kroger tomorrow morning when they first open.

Attempt to stay healthy friends.

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11 Responses to 2020-05-27

  1. I read a funny YouTube comment yesterday on a video of a clip from an old Monk episode. Essentially the commenter was saying how when originally aired Monk’s germaphobe actions seemed extreme, but under the conditions we’ve experienced the past three months they seem as if he was flippant — touching things, being around groups of people in public, hugging… LOL

    • Bonnie says:

      LOL. I still catch myself getting weirded out by closeness, etc. that I see on TV shows I’m watching. Or sometimes just sad. 😕

  2. Bonnie says:

    As long as you have a large bowl, you can usually microwave oats. I use comically large bowls. Or I sometimes cook them for longer at 50% power. Yay you for eating oatmeal! 🙂 I made steel cut oatmeal in the Instant Pot which will yield me 4-8 days of breakfasts, depending on if I decide to add any “stuff” to it. 😋

  3. Steve says:

    Good morning from New Smyrna Beach. Arrived about 4pm yesterday after dodging weather and idiot drivers in Jax. Seriously, 295 was closed going north for a tractor trailer laying on its side. 3 big wreckers attempting to right it as we went by.

    Nice, old, high rise hotel and we have a lovely view of the ocean. I think the chances of the launch getting up today are slim, but we’ll find a spot and wait till they call it.


    • Glad you made it there in one piece! I was hoping you had clear skies since my reporter on the scene in the west central part of Florida (my mother) said the weather was really nice yesterday.

  4. Steve says:

    There was some rain in Ga, but mostly around Jax. The rain so far this morning has moved off the coast and is broken clouds overland. I’m sitting on the balcony neutralizing my pasty, white form at the moment.

  5. Steve says:

    Launch is still a go at T -4:00. Thunder in the area, fingers crossed. We’ll head south for a watching spot in an hour or so.

    This mornings errand was a couple gaskets from the BMW dealer in Daytona. I doubt I will ever get out of a dealer again having bought 2 parts and spend less than $5. Of course they were just gaskets, but still…

  6. Steve says:

    I bought 1 bolt to replace one I buggered the head on (some Torx, some hex on the bike) from the dealer with a good website in MD. $7.58! But they did put in a nice note thanking me for my business as well as a bag of M&M’s! I’ll do business with them again.

  7. Steve says:

    Well, fook! No launch today. Got under 20 minutes in the count, but there was still one shower heading for them. We’ll watch from home Saturday.

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