
Decided I needed exercise before German class so I did about a three-mile stroll through Piedmont Park.
Sometimes it’s hard to remember you are in midtown Atlanta
Had I not managed to hurt my apparently-never-going-to-heal ankle it would have been a much better experience.

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12 Responses to 2019-12-04

  1. ITP Lurker says:

    Nice shot. It’s definitely shocking how healing from injuries at this age takes weeks or months versus what we used to shrug off in days.

  2. Steve says:

    A productive day yesterday ending with some team building time at Ri Ra. I’m always amused when I see a properly poured Guinness, unlike when we drink at Iron Horse in Norcross- the English just don’t have the patience to do it right.

    And I just learned I’ve been paying for an online New Yorker subscription I haven’t been using! Guess I better start reading.


  3. barb says:

    last night’s Wheelhopper summit meeting got moved from Joystick (closed for a private event) to Sister Louisa’s – we took over the upstairs so it wasn’t too bad.
    Got a lot & nothing accomplished, but had about 14 people, so there was some good discussion on what to change, what not to change, etc.
    Biggest discussion was how to get new people, and of course, how to get people to hare.
    Traffic sucked to get down there – and it was a nice night, no rain, so what the hell people!!!

  4. barb says:

    bought 2 plane tickets to Iowa yesterday, not sure if the prices were better due to “sales” – but both were for less than $300, so I see it as a win.
    My singer friend Jeff Pike is in a Abba tribute band that travels the country – AbbaMania, and they will be in Cedar Rapids Sat 1/25. He said he’d get me free tickets if I showed up. Not sure if my mom would enjoy it, so I have a high school friend on standby. then I’ll go home Easter weekend, that is right after my Dads 90th birthday. We will NOT have a party……… per his request.

    Next up, tickets to Barcelona for March, found some Delta deals using FF miles – but not sure what the economy seats are – need to do a little research on that.

  5. In other news: though I hate the thought of giving up the conveniences provided by “XYZ Corp”, it may be time for me to start considering what is next…

  6. Bonnie says:

    1) Went to dentist to get permanent crown and it didn’t fit so it has to be redone. The same thing happened last time with this tooth a year ago. At least they want to make it right instead of just putting it on. Back to the dentist again in 2 weeks. 🤬
    2) Went to Kroger to get flu shot—they are out. 🤬
    3) Next tried Publix and not only do they have flu shots in stock, you get a $10 gift card just for getting the shot! 🤑

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