Feeling sad today due to all of the negative things – bum ankle, severe lingering bruising from last week’s medical tests, uncertainty about my professional future, etc — that have been happening of late, and the seemingly lack of power (probably a better word could be chosen) to fix them. Maybe I just need to shut up and drink a beer; oh, it’s only 7am.
I tried to watch the NFL game last night but there are so many commercials that I really put away clean laundry while occasionally sitting down to watch football.
This stand-up bit that I ran across brightened up my week: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bzPhAYaJvtk
It’s funny because it’s true.
Yup. 😠It’s the same for me when the phone rings (vs. a text). 😂
After too many years of people expecting me to be the “operator standing by” along with telemarketing calls I changed my voice mail a couple of years ago to state that I’m not available to answer unscheduled phone calls, but here’s how to access my calendar to plan a time with me. The world didn’t end, and I have so much more peace of mind. 🙂
Oh, and it’s funny to me that Paulie had exactly the same response, word for word, as my brother did to that video.
*Ghost hug*
Sorry you’re (black and) blue. This too shall pass. Keep doing your job while you start getting ready for the next one.
Another episode of “Country Music” in the books last night. So good.
Plans for today all turned tentative when I woke with a case of vertigo. Yuck.
My mornings are going to suck for a while… having to water in new sod and plants around the entire perimeter of my house blows. I despise yards to begin with. I hate to spend the money, but I think I’m going to have to buy a second hose and hose reel today to make the job easier.
Never mind, my hose purchase has been vetoed. 🙄
Christmas is right around the corner…. 🙂