
At the Waschsalon and gutted to have seen that the iconic “One Hour Photo Kodak” building on Ponce de Leon has been whitewashed. 😢

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11 Responses to 2019-10-03

  1. Steve says:

    You know… oh nevermind. Just let it go..

    I saw yesterday there were survey marks (at least one) on the property line. We wonder what the eventual line will look like as the fence line has a bit of a “jog” in it. When I went to look for more marks, there weren’t any that I could find. Maybe they ran out of time to complete the job?

    A quiet night with Debbie out. Of course the dogs didn’t get the memo and with every noise outside, they were sure she was coming home. I tried to explain it to them, but they just looked at me…


  2. Bonnie says:

    Today’s fun is babysitting a landscaping crew as they make some improvements to my yard.

    • Woo Hoo! 🙂

      I’ve determined that my ankle is still too gimpy to run SLUT tonight, so I think that I will cook myself dinner and watch “TV” tonight.

  3. Bonnie says:

    Sorry Paulie 😢. I know how you feel about this kind of stuff…

  4. ITP Lurker says:

    I’ve been meaning to post this, the PATH Foundation is working on linking the Silver Comet Trail to the Beltline: https://atlanta.curbed.com/2019/9/30/20891568/path-foundation-silver-comet-trail-beltline-downtown-atlanta

    The PATH Foundation needs to complete 20 more miles or so to reach 300 miles for their 30th anniversary in the next year or so, which means this will very likely happen. In Googling I realized it’s presently 13.5 miles to the start of the Silver Comet Trail on my bike, which makes it conceivable I can ride to the trail and do a few miles on it before turning around. That’ll be my next long ride after I conquer Stone Mountain and then ride the PATH 400 trail.

    I purposefully don’t have a bike rack, if I’m gonna go somewhere to ride my bike, I have to ride my bike there first. Last week I rode a bike across the Golden Gate Bridge. That was a very cool experience that I hope to do again sometime. I also rode an Uber e-bike around town for 13 miles. Hills? What hills? 🙂

    • Bonnie says:

      I get you about the no bike rack thing, but maybe someday you’ll consider driving the bike up to the Silver Comet and putting in your miles there. It’s really nice, and the further you go west to park, the nicer the ride will be. It’s easy to ride and you can log a ton of miles. I don’t think I’d enjoy the ride from your hood to the SCT all that much…

      Jealous of your trip!

      • ITP Lurker says:

        I’ve ridden the Silver Comet before, and for now, I’m happy to put some constraints on myself. Given that one can ride 95 miles on the trail, I’d be a bit dangerous with that. I’d likely find myself riding further out than I could get back. But I’ll sit with that thought! 🙂

        SF was very fun. Only my second time there, but I packed a lot in apart from time spent speaking at a conference. In a bit of clean living, my phone (which has a case that serves as my wallet) fell out of my pocket when I hit a bump with the e-bike. Fortunately I realized it within a block or so and retrieved my phone off the street before a bus ran over it in the dark. Crisis averted!

  5. Barb says:

    busy as hell here –
    Doctor wanted me to come in to go over my blood work- I was wondering what he say that I didn’?
    then – basically said -things are ok, just try to eat better, exercise more, etc.
    what a waste of a drive……… but – hey – I’m not dying!

    • Steve says:

      Good news (that he clearly could have given over the phone!!).

      We can all eat better and get more exercise. 8 years of med school wasted.

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