Friday the 13th!
In a rare display of generosity toward my “XYZ Corp†coworkers I brought in some Krispy Kreme doughnuts. Funny though, because I already had breakfast food in the office, I might not eat one.
Friday the 13th!
In a rare display of generosity toward my “XYZ Corp†coworkers I brought in some Krispy Kreme doughnuts. Funny though, because I already had breakfast food in the office, I might not eat one.
What could be even funnier is that because we have lost so many employees, and not everyone comes into the office any longer, this might be the first time in recorded offline life that free doughnuts are not completely eaten.
Mmmmm… doughnuts! (insert Homer Simpson drooling sounds)
So, the new plan is to bring both horses South to a trainer closer to home. Contestant #1 from near Lexington and contestant #2 from near Nashville. There will be some driving on Sunday and especially Monday. Expect an update from the road.
Got a quick 10 miles on the CX bike last night. Still F’ing hot at 6:30.
Tomorrow, we’re attending a fundraiser for the Coweta Foundation at Bear Creek. Dinner and dancing! Well, I’ll be dancing and Debbie will be sitting. The band is a good party band we have at all the hunt events, which is almost worth the price of admission.
OK Café Thursday next week? HwC? Lurker?
Great weekend, all.
I can most likely make Thursday 9/20 work for lunch.
Thursday would work for me too.
Going on my calendar.
I’m teaching at lunchtime that day, but thank you for the invite!
OK Cafe?
I think Thursday might work for me.
TX es 73 de JG/HamWithCam
My resistance almost made it to 9am. One lemon-filled doughnut consumed. 😋 😂😂🤣
Eye doctor apt today at 1230 – I think I need something for looking at the computer.
My left eye is worse than my right eye – and I seem to have a headache more often than not anymore.
Good luck Barb, headaches are no fun.
I have a wart(?) sprouting on my right middle finger which is making life a little weird. I bought some Compound W (or similar) and am going to try eradicating myself, and if I fail, will seek professional help.
I have a wart (or whatever) on my finger as well. I also bought some Compound W. It is sort of working so far.
Must be something that happens at 54? Lurker, how are your fingers? 😂
I crossed that bridge earlier in life. I had to get them frozen off. I’m in Colorado for a long weekend, and catching up on things after a great day of seeing lots of sights.
Measure the distance to your computer screen and they will make you specific computer glasses. That’s what I have and they really help.
Paulie (and Stacy), I finally made it to TaKorea on Juniper. Pretty good- I’d go back.
I’d go with you!
I’ll go too, especially if we wait until it’s a little bit cooler to walk at lunchtime.