Well, I now know that fixing the rim wasn’t the cure for the M6’s TPMS problem — because the mother-fucking thing alarmed as I drove down I-75 on my way home from the hash last night! I may have reached the last straw with this car.
Tuesday Take of the Tape: 212.2 pounds (-0.8 from last week’s weigh-in); still pissed about the car.
To improve my mood a bit why don’t I remind you, gentle reader, to do a data backup today so that your day is not ruined due to data loss.
I really need to do some data backups of the home PC. Nothing critical is there, but it would be a PITA to restore. And sorry about the TPS. May I suggest going old school and just checking the tires? A piece of black electrical tape will take care of the warning light.
So the saga of the donkey… Debbie and friends picked her up Friday and had her home by 3. We tried to socialize her by sitting in her pen and quietly talking to her. She seemed fairly calm, but really wouldn’t let us touch her. We went in and Debbie came back out later with the dogs. The donkey freaked: Lily, the neighbors’ dog, went off in hot pursuit with our dogs right behind. Down the road she ran, even though we had called the dogs off. We tracked her into a clear cut on Meadows Boone (the road that leads to ours) but didn’t see her. Ran home, created a flyer and had it printed at the OfficeMax before they closed.
Distributed flyers Saturday morning and went tracking in the clear cut. Debbie had a sighting, but she still ran off. We got the previous owner to come and call her, with no luck. Sunday, more of the same, but we finally got a good location on her, got the previous owner again, but she still was too frightened to come with us. We’ve put out water and she has some grass to graze on, and seems relative happy where she is. Now we just need to get her use to us and try and capture her again. !!!!!!!!!
And Debbie badly twisted her ankle in all the walking on uneven ground!
That was our weekend.
Tires aren’t that old, and I checked the pressure of all of them in Raleigh. This may just be a systemic problem with the model year, or my specific car. Black tape is not the solution because there is an annoying bell alarm each time the car is started. The M6 was bought as a “five year†car, I’m on four years and eight months…
Good luck with the jackass.
Hope Debbie’s ankle heals quickly.
what a crazy donkey story. Hopefully you guys can take a roping class & go lasso her soon.
Before anyone reminds me, I realize things could be much worse, we could be living in the Bahamas. I wish them all the best recovering from the devastation of Hurricane Dorian.
fun weekend up at Lake Keowee, SC.
got home early enough to get laundry started & everything cleaned up & out away, and had all intentions of going to the hash since the start was so close last night.
But -the 5pm start snuck up on us, Allan was napping, and then it was too late.
Sleeping in a very uncomfortable bed all weekend did not help my motivation, I was so happy to have my own bed last night.
I feel so bad for the people in the Bahamas, this Dorian is one crazy bitch, just sitting there not moving.
so many Florida & GA c oastal friends have evacuated, as no one seems to really know what is going to happen next.
I think the longer it sits, the more unpredictable it becomes, as the other weather systems are still moving.
They sell lassos at Tractor Supply, just sayin’.
My Labor Day consisted of hanging with a friend who just had to put her beloved dog to sleep the day before. She had him for 13 years and he was probably about 15. 😢 We lazed at the pool all day then went out for dinner and a couple beers.
You are a really good friend.