One of the worst attempts at “running†occurred yesterday as I almost literally staggered around a 3.25 mile loop. Not pretty.
Also staggering to me is the vast percentage difference between what a bank pays out in interest, and what it collects as fees.
I shoulda, I woulda, I coulda, but I didn’t. Debbie came home and wasn’t feeling well, so I took care of the ponies. No more than 5 minutes after letting them loose, it started raining. Only for a few minutes, but still… they ARE delicate flowers.
Finally starting work on upgrading cameras here. Was on a tour of the building with the contractor and was about to go out on the roof. We opened the door and what do you know- it was pouring! Save that part of the tour for later.
Paulie, did you know there was a gas leak up your way yesterday?
Oh yes, but not until a while after it happened. At lunch I saw the fire truck blocking Peachtree at 14th, and traffic getting rerouted, with no idea why.
To the anonymous government worker that decided to issue a Radiation Emergency Alert System test this morning after we wrapped up watching Chernobyl on HBO: Well played, motherfucker.
Ha! Not being a HBO subscriber I just thought the test was just another annoyance from our government.
I am also glad that I wasn’t asleep when this test occurred.
That is a sick (but funny) MF right there.
I went out the back door at lunch for a walk and saw a news copter circling up that way, so knew something was up.
I wonder if the Emergency Broadcast System was hacked because it sounds exactly like what a hacker would do.
Yeah, I’ve never seen a Radiation Emergency Alert before. It was already unsettling to see the radiation detecting copters flying cornrow paths over my neighborhood prior to and during the Superbowl.
Duck, and Cover, my ass.
Heehee – Lurker, you should have seen us all in the office. A bunch of “wth does that mean?” Had never seen one for radiation before. I guess we needed to test it though considering whose finger is on the launch buttons these days.
I’m with ya, Stacy. Show your coworkers the Duck and Cover video I linked to above. It’ll add to the warm fuzzies. Not!
Ha! I just shared it, Lurker. Everyone’s laughing.
Thank God for gallow’s humor.
I missed it entirely- maybe they don’t want to nuke the country, just the city?
I guess no one cares about us in Cobb county – I never heard about this until now.
I’m looking for an official statement of the test, but can’t find one. Weird.Found this wsb article
Thanks for digging that up. The usual party line, “Nothing to see here folks, move along…”
I feel obliged to post a link to the Bad Company redux band The Firm, with their song “Radioactive”. Bet it’s been a minute since anyone has heard THAT song. With good reason, too.
Lurker—OMG I just finished Chernobyl last night, and had the same thoughts going through my head this morning!!! Perhaps they should START the message with “this is a test 
Bonnie, did they really have to press AZ-5 this morning?
Couldn’t they have hit the tornado button or something instead if they needed to “test” the system?
Seriously. Chernobyl is completely worth signing up for HBO for a month through Amazon to watch. And the new season of Big Little Lies with Meryl Streep is off the rails good as well.
Word. I use my friend’s HBO login, for now, but I have a feeling it will be cutting off soon… I read the book “Big Little Lies†and it was good but not great, I rated it 3/5 stars. I haven’t felt compelled to take the time to watch the series.
I really want to watch Big Little Lies – I may have to get HBO now……..
It’s *SO* good, Barb. I loved Season 1, but Season 2 takes things to new levels.
I picked up the book in a Little Free Library but I haven’t started it. Based on Bonnie’s opinion, this could be a case where the TV show is better than the book. I’m so used to reading on my phone that I have a hard time engaging with paper books any more. But maybe I’ll still give it a try.
I had high hopes to get out & exercise last night, but got home & Allan was working on crown molding & other molding, I “helped, i.e. watched” and we discussed countertops, backsplash etc – and eventually, never got outside.
We did boil some pasta on the new stove -so excited to be cooking with gas again!
But- since we don’t have the sink installed, no vent hood yet, and no countertops, I don’t think we will really be using the new stove much yet.
Paulie—well good job exercising anyway! *Fist bump*. My “run†yesterday suuuuucked as well. I can jog 5 miles on the Southside Trail more or less without stopping and I walked several times yesterday. I felt like lead and was so tired and hot.
Thanks. I was so leaden yesterday I had to stop before I even ran a third of a mile. There was a lot of (too much) walking in my effort yesterday and I was soaked with sweat when I returned home.
Welcome to my world. I have 1km of dirt road and I can “generally” make it before I walk, but not consistently.
We really need to pick a big race and start training. A nice marathon next Spring.
a marathon – you be crazy.
What Barb said. â˜ðŸ»
OK, a half then.
I don’t really care too much about increasing running distance… the length of a hash is about as far as I need to go 😉. I just want to get better at it.
Twenty years ago I would have laughed at this statement, but now I’d love just to be able to (really) run a 5k without walking.