
It felt weird consciously staying away from the hash last night, but it also felt great to spend a night at home, even if I was busy. I stopped at Kroger and bought some mushrooms, made some delicious mushroom risotto in my Instant Pot and ate some, before popping open laptops to try and get some work done.

Today we close the books on the first quarter third of 2019. How’s your year going? Mine has been okay, could have been better. Tomorrow I’ll introduce my May challenge.

Tuesday Tale of the Tape: 212.4 pounds (0.0 from last week’s weigh-in; 0.0 from last year’s weigh-in); yes, I am adding in year-over-year changes now that I realized that I can do so.

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7 Responses to 2019-04-30

  1. ITP Lurker says:

    How do quarters work in your world? 😂 In my world 4 months is a third of a year. But I’ve always marched to a different beat. 😉

    Separately I ran across a newsletter you might like:


  2. Steve says:

    Maths is hard! I knew it wasn’t the end of the quarter as we have performance reports due at the end of quarters and I know mine is already done!

    Plumbing problems fixed at home. When all the drains burp, it a venting issue and I need to add a screen to the vent. I think somebody had a nest in there, which was a problem.

    A run last night felt better than any in a long time. Maybe actually repeating the effort is the key!! I still take too many walk breaks, but I took fewer last night. And my legs aren’t cooked this morning.


  3. Barb says:

    busy day – off to get a crown!!! what fun………

  4. Just had two Guinness (Guinnei?) and a huge plate of fish and chips. Disappointed in myself, but tomorrow starts a new month…

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