
Starting “Year Three” at “XYZ Corp” with an early morning in an attempt to avoid some of the shitty traffic in which I sat yesterday, and to allot time for some personal work later.

Traffic was so snarled yesterday when I exited the office building at 5pm that I chose to go on an hour-long walk to, and around, Piedmont Park instead of getting into my car and starting my commute.

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31 Responses to 2019-04-11

  1. Stacy Fox says:

    Year THREE?! Already? Good heavens! Well, congrats for real on that! But goodness I can’t believe it’s been three years already. 🙂

    TinyDoorsATL revealed their #16 door last night so I went to the “grand opening” so to speak. It was right here downtown and I love a good success story for a local artist so I figured why not? 🙂 I love me some Tiny Doors. Pics on the FB and the ‘Gram, of course.

    After that was usual trivia night at Venkman’s which is titled “Non-Annoying Trivia” — and usually is — but last night was completely off. He started a half hour late, had some questionable questions, and was just not focused. We’re going to go back again because we like the format there [zero DJ chatter…everything done on an overhead projector] and everyone can have an off night. Including us…we didn’t place at all! 😮

    • Starting my third year; my start date was April 10, 2017.

      Didn’t place? In-con-ceivable! 😮

    • ITP Lurker says:

      Tiny Doors is awesome. What a cool way to make a living. I had a beer in a swimming pool with the Tiny Doors artist a couple summers ago. Great conversation.

      Rosa’s Pizza lunch is two weeks out…

      • Stacy Fox says:

        She of course was there for the launch. Super sweet woman!

        What day is Rosa’s again? Exactly two weeks? (the 25th?)

      • I have heard her speak at Creative Mornings and she is quite entertaining as well.

        Rosa’s lunch is exactly two weeks from today, which means that I have exactly two weeks to get in shape for BRAG Spring Tune-Up (yikes!).

        • Barb says:

          I’m going to be slowwwwww at STU.

          If I can talk Allan into not working on the walls all night, I will see if we can get a ride in after work tonight. But then – its supposed to rain……. maybe

        • Barb says:

          and – no Rosa’s for us (very sad to miss it) – we will be towing the camper – there is NO WAY we’d get off the highway downtown with that.

      • Bonnie says:

        Lurker, I don’t think I will be able to make the lunch, as I will be headed out for Spring Tune Up and knowing myself, I will need every last minute to pack / prepare for the trip, as well as an outing right before departure will be a little too stressful for me :). Sad I’ve missed both lunches so far…

  2. steve says:

    Rosa’s pizza just went on the calendar.

    Rode to pick up my car yesterday afternoon. Did you hear that it was the hottest day since October? I can assure I knew it. There is no easy way to get to the garage that does not involve narrow roads and fast traffic. It was like riding in Atlanta, only there was very little choice of route. I finally got there and they still hadn’t started on the car. “The tires just got delivered”- except I didn’t leave the house until 45 minutes after I was told that, and rode an hour 20 to get there. I wish they would get their story straight.

    Nice ride on the scooter to Pine Mtn and back yesterday. Gorgeous day.


  3. Barb says:

    nothing exciting in my world – but –
    here’s my question from the cleaning out of the cabinets –

    Does microwave popcorn really expire?
    I don’t eat much popcorn (my gums do not like the hulls) and I found a box Allan must have purchased way in the back. It says best by some month in 2017. so, its 2 years past its date, but I popped a bag, it seemed fine?

    • While I will deny this in court I have heard that it’s okay to eat food past a “Best by” date, but not a “Use by” date.

      I would have assumed old popcorn wouldn’t pop, so maybe it’s okay? 🤷🏻‍♂️

    • Speaking of food, Betsy made an incredibly tasty Israeli couscous recipe from the back of a box of Trader Joe’s couscous last night.

      I almost made it through the night with no alcohol but the idea of white wine with dinner was too tempting.

  4. Steve says:

    Remember, a “best by” date is different from an “expiration date”. If it pops, pop it. Now Debbie would say it makes no difference and throw anything that might be halfway to the “best by” date out, but that’s just her.

    • barb says:

      I don’t believe the best by dates at all – but just wondering, its a shelf stable product, how would it go bad?
      I’ll never eat it – but if someone else might, I feel like I shouldn’t throw it in the garbage.

    • Debbie Brady says:

      I throw out expired meat and milk. Popcorn I’d keep. My husband would eat 3 day old road kill and pronounce it delicious. 🤢

      If you guessed that we have ongoing fights about this, you are correct.

      • ITP Lurker says:

        Um, hey, if that’s all ya’ll fight about, you’re doing great. 😉

        I use the sniff test on milk to determine its viability. Meat I don’t mess around with expiration dates, *especially* when it comes to road kill… 😉

      • Barb says:

        expired meat (not frozen) sure – throw it out – but not on the expiration date – I’d still give it a few days. And – make sure its somewhat cooked, no rare steaks.
        OR – if it gets frozen quick (you know, the deals from Kroger – the Managers Specials) not throwing those away!

        Milk – definitely needs a sniff test – it lasts past the date on the jug.

      • Haven’t had to throw much meat out since I stopped eating it a lot; most of my meat consumption is eaten in restaurants now.

        I did have to pour out a couple of some milk last night when I opened the jug and didn’t like the smell of the milk.

  5. Barb says:

    I had a half bottle of white wine with a hamburger last night…….

    • Stacy Fox says:

      Slacker. 😉

      • Barb says:

        but I finished it………. if it would have been a n unopened bottle, I’d have drank (or is it drunk) the whole bottle.

        • Stacy Fox says:

          It think it should be drunk in this case …. unless the hypothetical throws it into some other past verb form (like it does in present tense). Then I’d have no clue!

          If you HAD, you could say: I drank the whole thing!
          Or: I have drunk the whole thing!

          Now go ahead and grab a new bottle tonight and DRINK the whole thing tonight just for good measure. 😉

        • This is why I would have played it safe and used “consumed”. 😁

  6. barb says:

    and- I did get us rego’d for the Atlanta 2000th hash.
    No idea if we can really make it -but what the hell- maybe for the end of trail party?

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