
Some good, and not so good, last night:
– put the road bike on the trainer and, after changing rear wheel and pumping flat tires, rode for 50 minutes while watching “The Great British Bake Off” (good)
– front derailleur on road bike not working (not good)
– learned how to use the “Delay Start” feature of my Instant Pot (good)
– made the spicy peanut butter soup with sweet potato and kale (good)
– ate too much (not good)
– put flannel sheets and down comforter on bed to stay warm (good)
– stayed up too late watching football (not good)

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26 Responses to 2018-11-16

  1. Barb says:

    Did you turn on the heat?
    We are getting geared up to crank the heat up more next week when my mom& dad are here (so they don’t freeze). I’m putting the flannel sheets on their bed as well.

    We wanted to stay up & watch football, but Allan finally was going back to the firehouse today, so he needed to get some sleep. 2 weeks off has been enough for his hamstring(we hope), I think the hyperbarics have made a difference. (Ortho doc said it would take 4-6 weeks to heal)

  2. Barb says:

    hey Lurker – a sponsored post on FB today told me to go to Granada. Isn’t that where you went on vacation?

    • ITP Lurker says:

      Barb. I went to Grenada, which is in the Caribbean. Granada is in Spain, and there’s also a Granada in Nicaragua. 🙂 Grenada is magnificent, I’ve been 3 times and will definitely be going back again. Can’t get enough.

      Separately, glad you had a good night, Paulie. I restrained myself yesterday from making a snarky prediction that you’d be falling asleep on the couch by 8. Clearly shows that past performances in this blog are no indication of future results. 🙂

  3. Steve says:

    It was adventures in horse ownership last night when I went to put the horses out in the pasture they decided they weren’t interested. This was about 730 so it’s pitch black,they are dark brown horse and was wearing dirty blankets so without a bright light you will never see them. I quickly ran and got my headlamp but they were nowhere to be found in the vicinity of the barn. Hopped in the car looking for trucks on the road and out they pop from a driveway. Despite a bucket of sweet feed they were still not ready to come home so down the road they trotted with me following in the car and finally stop at Nicole and Dougs, a mile from the house. They are looking for their buddy George. They stop long enough for me to get a halter on Phinney and we walk back home. Assholes.

    Off to breakfast and the tag office this morning.


    • Barb says:

      good times Steve! glad you found them.

      • steve says:

        Didn’t have a choice, but I thought about it. Start a feral herd. I can see the headline ” Husband murdered when wife comes home to no horses.”

    • ITP Lurker says:

      Speaking of asshole horses, I worked on a horse farm when I was 15. There was one horse that would go out of it’s way to try to step on my foot every chance it could. I haven’t trusted horses since. Owner of the farm was a much bigger asshole though, to give credit to the horse where due.

      • Steve says:

        Some are, most aren’t. Interesting how they each have a personality. I was never around horses until I met Debbie.

  4. Barb says:

    Well – I get to have the 60,000 mile service at the dealership, which I wasn’t planning to do.
    My ABS light, Hill Holder Indicator Light, and Vehicle Dynamics Control Light all came on. The guy says its a pretty easy fix, but since I need to take it in, might as well get all the shit done. And -they will give me a loaner car – I wonder if I can request a certain model? (we may want tog et a Forrester for the next car)

    • Huh, as I was cursing the M6 I reconsidered getting a Crosstrek. I test drove one in 2014 but decided the Mazda was a better car for my needs. Not so sure about that now…

      • Barb says:

        I love my car – with all the freakin electronics now, it just doesn’t surprise me when these things go bad.
        We may be a 2 Subaru family after we get the kitchen done, we can’t get one until after, we need the garage space for all the staging. Allan thinks we need something just a little bigger, so it will be the Forrester or the Outback. (but – I do kind of like the Mazda M5 – haven’t driven one yet)

  5. Barb says:

    always a nice surprise – a box of wine just got delivered.
    totally forgot about my Oregon Naked Winery wine club shipment!

    • Steve says:

      Surprise wine! And you can get it shipped to Gorgia? Who knew?

      Motorcycle, car, and trailer all renewed for next year. $320. Scooter was $200!!

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