
Election Day, if not done already then do it today!

After some nerve-wracking moments of trail laying, like having men pressure washing the path on which you intend to drop flour working until nearly 6:00pm, fifteen(?) hounds made it to the smoky end, Mr C’s. Though a touch chilly the weather allowed us to sit outside. Those who made it to the end got to spend time with these two fantastic hares, and scored a one-time-only giveaway to commemorate Glory Mole’s first haring.

Glory Mole and Wee Little Bit

The image on the koozie is that of “Anonymous” and is associated with Guy Fawkes Day.

Tuesday Tale of the Tape: 209.0 pounds (-0.8 pounds from last week’s weigh-in).

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27 Responses to 2018-11-06

  1. Steve says:

    You had swag?!?! Wow. Impressed!

    I’ll vote after work. Maybe the crowds will be down at that hour. It’s good to see all the early voting and hopefully today’s turnout will keep this going.

    Reading the owners manual of the “new” bike last night. All coming back to me, just slowly. Now let’s see if I can translate it to action on the bike.

    Quality time spent on the trainer… HRM seems to be eating batteries. I disconnected it completely from the chest strap to see if it was shorted out somehow. We’ll see.


  2. ITP Lurker says:

    Nice swag. Congrats Bonnie! And too funny on the pressure-washing, you just can’t make that stuff up.

  3. Barb says:

    Glad the trail went well- weren’t there power poles or trees for the flour where they were pressure washing?
    how long was it?

    Massages were awesome…….. of course.

    • Not really. At that point one side was the golf course’s netting and the trees on the other were too far off the path. Also, this was right where we were going to lay our Chicken/Eagle split, so we had to put those marks down too. I told Bonnie as we sat, waiting for these guys to finish, “I would have lost a lot of money if you bet me that there would be a cleaning crew out on a lousy weather Monday night working past 5pm.” 🙂

    • Oh yeah, Eagle was about four miles with train tracks and three checks; Chicken was about three miles and cut out the train tracks and one check.

  4. Bonnie says:

    14 ran trail and two came to start/end. It was both fun and nerves, and I learned a lot! Many thanks again to my awesome co-hare :).

    135 lbs. today—no weight loss. Not surprised after my behavior the past week, and I haven’t started the month being a good influence on my friend Paulie 🙄. Though he did manage to lose weight 🙂 🤜🏻🤛🏻.

  5. I may have just feasted on a veggie burger and french fries.
    Because it’s so cold in the office I may be overly-enjoyed to have shoved those hot fries into my mouth.

  6. In other news, what are we going to do with The Gulch now that Amazon HQ2 is moving to two cities, neither of which is Atlanta?

    For the record I did not want Amazon to move here, but know many people with real estate speculations did.

  7. Since the office is so quiet (Election Day) and the weather now so pretty, I just finished up a little more than two-mile stroll around midtown. Huzzah!

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