Up early and working from home until I depart for a Hartwell later this afternoon. Still need to do a little prep for the trip as I wasn’t as efficient as I could have been last night.
Speaking of last night, it almost seemed weird that it rained so hard in East Atlanta. I’m glad I didn’t get caught out in it,
Ha! I did! Coming out of the grocery store with a big buggy full to boot. I got very very wet. 🙂
Have fun at Hartwell, all you Hartwell-goers! I hope the rains get out of the way for you early so you have a nice dry weekend.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OT1HCQcSHW0 😉
OMG I can legit say I never knew all the words to that song before today.
At your service, m’lady! ;-);-);-)
Barb, it’s BJ Thomas, Raindrops Keep Falling on my Head.
For the record? I knew THOSE six words. 😉
Um, technically ’tis only 4 words, as m’lady counts as a word on its own. 🙂
Yes, I know. I’m insufferable. It’s how I roll. 🙂 🙂 🙂
I haven’t heard that song in forever, but its in my head now.
We got some good rain yesterday too.
Ha! No, I meant “Raindrops keep falling on my head” as the 6 words I knew.
Oh! Tee-hee, Stacy! 🙂
long day at work yesterday – I love all these shippers that HAVE to ship by the end of the month, but don’t tell you that until Wednesday, and it won’t be ready until Friday, but it HAS TO GO Friday. There will be some disappointment Friday, I can tell you that.
Allan I guess survived his 1st day as a Captain – I haven’t heard from him, I wonder if he got any sleep. He said they’d been running all day yesterday when I talked to him about 10pm. He thinks this will be a fun territory, except way too busy.
A quiet birthday celebration, which was slightly postponed when it started raining HARD when we were thinking about going to dinner. That became dinner for another day and me cooking Skyline! (always a treat).
Still no decision on phones. More research to do today. yippee.
we were just talking about a Skyline night again soon.
Always good! We can make that happen! What’s Captain Grove’s schedule?
he is on B shift – so every 3rd day – next is Sat 9/29, then Tuesday 10/2, then Friday 10/5, etc. etc.
…and let the circus begin.
Today’s HWC Trivia Question:
Which of the following politicians have not been accused of sexual harassment/assault (or worse)?
a) President Donald Trump
b) President Bill Clinton
c) Presidential candidate Herman Cain
d) Supreme Court Judge Clarence Thomas
e) President George H.W. Bush
f) President Thomas Jefferson
All incorrect guesses will receive one of my highly sought after 3D printed chotskies.
The person providing the correct response will be spared the chotskie, and will bask in the knowledge that all of this, all of it, is pure political theater, plain and simple. Nothing more.
73 de JG/HamWithCam
None of the above.
Too soon, man, way too soon.
all of the above
We have a winner!
(Debbie Brady)
73 de JG/HamWithCam