Walked to my friend Betsy’s house last night where I ate my only meatless meal of the day, Scratchy Husband Pasta. You will have to read the article written about it to understand the name. With me I carried a bundle of asparagus for roasting, and a bottle of white wine for drinking. It was a tasty meal, leaving me with two words — asparagus pee!
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Dekalb County Jury duty, numbers 1-148 are ordered to appear.
I’m number…28.
73 de JG/HamWithCam
tell us about the case you get to maybe be picked to be a juror,
Around 9:30am the clerk called by name 3 x groups of 13 (I think it was). I was juror no. 28, but was not called. I figured there were about half the folks left in the waiting room. Supposedly 148 were ordered to appear. So the math isn’t working out. Another 45 minutes or so went by, and the clerk came back in and released everybody.
After a short walk, I was back home by 10:30am, (soon to be) $15 richer.
Civic duty performed, and everything.
In other news, I have an appointment Friday morning with the same orthopedic surgeon (Peachtree Orthopedic, surgeons to the Braves, Falcons, etc.), that repaired my broken hip, what, 14-15 years ago. Backstory: Idiot climbs (somebody else’s) steel Ham Radio tower, tower falls over, idiot hit ground from 30+ feet. Idiot lucky to be alive. Idiot still completes Peachtree Road Race the following July.
I have some right hip, lower back pain. Come and goes. X-Rays taken. Primary Care Physician says it’s not kidney, etc. Urologist agrees, “It’s your hip…”. MRI/ultrasound scheduled anyway (mid-October). We’ll see what Dr. Royster has to say Friday.
BTW: Peachtree Orthopedic is literally half a mile from OK Cafe. So there’s that.
73 de JG/HamWithCam
Dude, you really don’t have to wreck your body to go to OK Cafe. We won’t judge if you just happen to go there of your own accord. 😉
Glad you got out of jury duty unscathed. Never fun when our number comes up, but I’ll take it over the alternatives.
Same guy, who you recommended to me, who was consulted for both of my bicycle wreck hip injuries.
Good luck.
I just hope Dr. Royster…remembers me.
(His office only keeps records for 10 years.)
73 de JG/HamWithCam
I was going to contribute this yesterday, but work got in the way:
That is really cool!
Towed in up to 60 mph because the gearing is so low then draft a dragster up to 183 mph!
Morning traffic seems to have gotten much worse since Florence. Probably no correlation.
Been trying to get over I20 by the Capital for 20 minutes…
And you better be in a parking spot as you type!!
Crack that whip, Steve!
Barb, you can probably surmise this one.
I am now, about an hour after I started.
You don’t know that I didn’t dictate that previous comment into my Apple Watch and magically send it to the blog…
And you are not above complete geekdom, so I hope that was the case.
You know, 5:00 PM traffic was stupid yesterday too. It took forever to get from Ponce City Market back to Grant Park, even with wiggling through a warren of side streets.
traffic this week into Cobb County has been nice! the free express lane is probably helping, but it isn’t that busy – not sure what is going on. Its isn’t fall break until next week.
OK, that express lane seems to be a total boondogggle. I had to go out to Kennesaw State University last week, and you can’t seem to get on the damned express lane south of Chastain Road, unless I missed something obvious. Definitely a case of our tax dollars at work for someone else.
its an express lane – I finally figured out that they really want it to be one.
there’s a few entrances way up 75 & 575, but after that you can’t get on from the interstate. the entrances are at Roswell Rd (by the Big chicken) and Terrell mill rd – fairly close to me.)
We’ve driven twice southbound – got on way up 75 near Cabela’s – and up 575 near Sixes Road. It was nice -but I’m not ever going to pay for it.
OK, the local exits make much more sense. Thank you for the insight!
“…even with wiggling through a warren of side streets.”
FYI, warren: “a network of interconnecting rabbit burrows.”
You learn something new every day.
73 de JG/HamWithCam
John, I’m honestly surprised I taught you a new word!
I never heard of a warren, but that doesn’t surprise me
Watch the video of the speed record… somewhat scary stuff. Even with a suspension seatpost and stem, she was bouncing around quite a bit. And the bike had two sets of cranks, sort of like a tandem, but the first chainring (on the left) drove a much smaller sprocket on the second crank, which then drove the normal right hand drive chainring to a small cog on the back wheel. I can’t even conceive the size of the gear she was turning- and not sure how to calculate it.
Y’all were talking about setting up your campers yesterday… I remember coming home to East Point when mom and dad had returned from one of their trips. They towed a 29′ Airstream and had to get it through the car port with only inches to spare to pass through to the back yard. When I got home, the trailer was cock-eyed in the driveway and neither was speaking to the other!! I calmed dad down and had him pull up to get straight again and we backed it through in one shot.
Either Allan has learned to figure out my directing when backing the camper, or I’ve just gotten better at it – but we got the truck hooked up to the camper on the 2nd try this morning. No screaming at all!
Not sure when he is leaving, I’ll be leaving tomorrow hopefully by 3:30 – but not sure if that will happen.
from yesterday – in case you missed it
He lives ITP now.
FYI – Allan’s new permanent station is station 6, right near downtown. (but that’s isn’t where the raccoon was released)
I see 16 on Northside Dr (or nearby) but I don’t see a 6 on the map.
Part of your success in helping someone back up is having good signals. I see people try and signal which direction to turn the wheel- and if you’re looking in a mirror, it really doesn’t help. I just use distance between my hands to indicate how much room and that seems to work.
I thought it was Squad 4, and Engine 6, so it was Station 6.
Its actually Station 4. 309 Edgewood Ave.
I’m getting better on my hand signals.
Parking airplanes for 11 years makes my hand signals pretty good :-). I can actually get hooked up solo with only getting out of the truck 2 or 3 times now. Other times I will use the magnetic markers, one on the hitch and one on the trailer, when they meet you stop.
Looking forward to the weekend.
I have an idea for 2 lasers that would mount on either side of the truck/tow vehicle, and when backing the dots would get closer and closer until they meet, at which point you would be aligned.
May be a sign of too much time on my hands.
a backup camera would help, but 2004 Tundra doesn’t have it.
I have hooking the horse trailer up down to a science. It helps that it’s a gooseneck, but you still can’t see the hookup spot.
Somewhere there’s a little lost suburban raccoon wondering what the heck happened…
Isn’t “Station 6” down by the MLK Center? To be honest, I thought it was a museum or perhaps…abandoned. Really cool old school firehouse.
73 de JG/HamWithCam
yes- the original station 6. it is a museum I’m pretty sure.
I though the other was also 6, but its 4.
Midtown to Masquerade, 49 minutes of walking for one minute of transaction.
Take the advice of Morris Day and the Time, do the “The Bird” [Scooter] 😉
Insert your own squawk here.
Nope. Stopped now for lunch as a reward for walking.
My friend recently used this hashtag: #BirdDroppings for scooters being left laying about 😂.