Monthly Archives: August 2018


To the best of my ability I’d like to increase my efforts to do the things for which I have a passion. Currently I am eating a hard-boiled egg sandwich at The Waschsalon.

Posted in My Daily Life | 36 Comments


Unlike yesterday I am feeling lazy this morning. Perhaps it was all of the wine I drank last night?

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6:20am and I am in the office waiting for the coffee maker to warm up.

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It was a fairly uneventful drive home yesterday until I neared Lavonia and heard a boom from the trunk. I knew immediately that I just experienced what Bonnie had described happening to her a few months ago. This was one … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 43 Comments


The M6 (finally) has a new car battery. “But you are OTP, right?” I can hear you think. Yes, but this is what happens when you take an already-weak battery and accidentally leave an interior dome light on until it … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 8 Comments


Long day of driving yesterday (today as I write this). Hit traffic and really heavy rain near Greenville that brought things to a crawl. By the time I reached Charlotte it was 8pm and there was no hope of finding … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 8 Comments


Because I was able to get home and mow the yards prior to it raining again last night I am thankful to work for a company that affords work flexibility. I continue to receive job “offers” and even if I … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 15 Comments


I want to say that today is the fourteenth “anniversary” of the day that I was carjacked; the event that eventually inspired this blog. In my mind the fact that I have forgotten the exact day feels as if some … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 5 Comments


Late night shenanigans after the hash last night. A small group wandered over to Flatiron. Rumor has it that I lost at darts to Glory Mole; the photo proves it. Tuesday Tale of the Tape: 208.0 pounds (+0.2 from last … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 20 Comments


Really fun weekend, even if my bowling was terrible. After yesterday’s Black Sheep I am paying for the extra wash and rinse cycles at the Waschsalon for my hashing clothes. FWIW – Tin Drum’s to-go utensil package may be the … Continue reading

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