
Very little traffic going to Sandy Springs yesterday afternoon — weird. Fun trail but I was hoping Davey would take us through a tunnel but he didn’t.

Almost drove in with the windows down this morning. Good thing I didn’t because along Piedmont a van passed me, hitting a large puddle, and dowsed the M6’s driver’s side; I would be soaked right now.

Tuesday Tale of the Tape: 208.4 pounds (-1.2 since my last weigh-in on 7/3). I certainly don’t feel as if I have lost weight however…

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12 Responses to 2018-07-24

  1. Oh yeah, prior to vacation I mentioned bowling. Who is interested? What’s a good day? I could do this weekend or next.

  2. Barb says:

    This Saturday we will most likely be hashing, I think Breaststroke is laying trail for PL (meaning it should be geographically desirable) and Head Nurse is doing a “Hedon” trail in Newnan for AH4. another option – Brewery Road is playing at Sweetwater, (4p-7p) so if we totally blow off hashing, we my got to see that.
    And – I think Allan has a concert to go play Fire Marshall at Chastain – that may be Saturday night too.
    So -= besides this Saturday, we should be pretty open.

  3. Steve says:

    Back in the office after camping out in the airport in Nola. Full planes coming back to Atlanta and sucky wireless in the airport. I was able to get on and do a bit of work, but it was painful.

    The jury is still out if I will be returning to Nola this weekend. The issues we discovered seem to have been resolved, but the local staff may want some hand holding. Hopefully I’ll know soon.


  4. Steve says:

    And apparently the farmers protested at the TdF. The stage is now rolling, but Froome and some of the others got a little pepper spray from the gendarmes.

  5. Barb says:

    anybody voting today? I’m so happy that we might get a break from the ridiculous TV ads for a while. Tried to watch Jeopardy last night live…….. BAD IDEA

    • Steve says:

      I don’t think there is anything for Democrats to vote for, but I could cruise by and make sure.

    • Debbie says:

      I’m voting for Cagle just to send an FU to Trump. My vote will be different in November.

      • Barb says:

        if you voted in the Demo primary, you can only vote Demo today. I voted in the republican primary last time, just like Debbie – to see if we can help the Democrats in November.

  6. Steve says:

    SecState says we have one race for Skule Stuporattendant. I’ll pass.

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