Windshield looks okay, but I am not overly-impressed with the repair. I guess as long as it stops the crack from growing it’ll be alright.
Fun in-town (running) hash last night, with enough variety to keep it interesting.
Had a dream last night that I won the Hamilton ticket lottery today.
Tuesday Tale of the Tape: 205.4 pounds (-1.2 from last week’s weigh-in), pleasantly surprised.
why aren’t you impressed with the repair?
We went to Jasper last night to check out the BRAG camp & socialize. They had a band right there in the park, it was nice to have the entertainment there, so no one has to leave camp. They have some hills on the way to Dahlonega today, and then Wed. they get to ride 3 Gap & more if they want. Kind of wish we were there, but it isn’t killing me to miss it. Don’t miss the moving camp everyday.
It honestly doesn’t appear as if much of a repair was done. It looked okay in the shade, but when I drove into the sun I wasn’t impressed. Fortunately the area is obscured by the rear-view mirror.
So they repaired it and didn’t replace the glass? As long as it doesn’t leak or spread.
Yeah, it won’t look perfect. You can still see where my starburst was, but it’s way over on the passenger side so I’m all: eh. No worries. However, mine was covered by insurance (without my rate increasing) and not $150. For $150 I might have wanted it to look a bit better.
State Farm told me that I should file a claim if it was over my $500 deductible. Given that I already feel screwed by them I decided to pay out of pocket and not risk another increase in insurance.
I just find it bizarre that State Farm doesn’t offer the same option as Geico. Geico even had them come out to me at my office and fix it so I didn’t have to go anywhere. I seriously just assumed all insurance companies did this.
( in case anyone’s curious)
If I haven’t been a State Farm customer for 35 years I’d be looking to switch.
Yeah, it was a repair ($150) and not a replace ($???). Since I was paying out of pocket for this I chose to chance the repair. Agreed, as long as it doesn’t spread, and I don’t believe that it will leak, it’s going to be fine.
You’re right on my heels, as I was 204.6. You will not catch me!!!
And I thought the hash was banned from Manuels?
I’m so pissed. Yesterday, as I had the appointment with my optho, I drove to Decatur, then drove into the office. As we’re sitting around last night, Debbie informs me the bear that was at FC Jail was at the College Park Marta station!!!! Damnit. Clearly he had visited someone at the jail, then was trying to get home on Marta and I missed seeing him!
Finally got the grass cut last night! It’s the little things…
Manuel’s was so slow last night I think they were happy we were there.
OMGoodness! Davey and I were just talking about the bear on Sunday! I hadn’t heard about it so he took out his phone to Google “bears in Atlanta” in order to find the article for me. Then we both had a heh heh giggle wondering what websites would show up for that. 😉
How did the giving notice go, Barb?
Yeah, you might was “Safe Search†on for that one. 😉
that’s funny- maybe get the gay men scene with bears in Atlanta………
It is Pride Month after all!
I thought I heard the bear was caught & taken to N. GA somewhere? I missed the College Park station sighting. But, what if the bear is from south of Atlanta, not north? now he will venture back to the big city again.
He was caught at CP Marta and transported north. I think his fare card needed to be recharged.
I did give my notice, got interrupted just a minute or 2 in the conversation, which cut it short, which didn’t hurt my feelings. I decided Wed 6/13 would be my last day, and I will start again on Monday 6/25. Not sure what we are going to do with that time off, Allan will see what he has for vacation days available. right now its looking like going to SC to Lake Keowee to visit friends that retired up there for a few days. Thought about going to Kentucky for some bourbon touring, but Leslie can’t make it work.
Woo hoo! Congrats Barb! And awesome decision taking a little time off for yourself too!
Am I sensing perhaps a lunch date for us all sometime that week??? 🙂
of course, I would love to come to town for lunch one day, and maybe I’ll even make Allan join us (since we will be in the city limits of the ATL)
I didn’t win Hamiton tickets. Rats!