
Tasty China, bowling, Kringle, beer! I can’t wait! I’m more excited for this than I am for Christmas on Monday.

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13 Responses to 2017-12-22

  1. Barb says:

    And- maybe helping me figure out my new iPad!
    I’ll let you know when I’m home later.
    Allan didn’t have my phone to resync – we will do that this afternoon
    this is just annoying me – only phone#s and no names on iMessages.

    I’m at work today.
    just me & 1 other girl – and she’s running late (since I could care less, she’s at Burger King getting us breakfast)

  2. bob says:

    Can’t wait to see you guys too, it has been way too long. My brother did make it in town so there will be 6 of us.
    I’m “working” today too, basically checking emails about every hour to make sure there are no fires.

    See you all tonight!

    • Barb says:

      so we have 10 for dinner? (adding me, Allan, Paulie & Steve)
      Sal may join us for bowling, she works until 7 or so.

  3. Steve says:

    Woot woot! What Paulie said.

    There ain’t many around here today- I expect we’ll be sprung around 2. I might head to the Ben Hilton to check on progress before heading to TC.

    I’m in need of “stocking stuffers”- we bought the G-nieces and nephews movie theater gift certs, but I’d still like to get something small to “open”. Is there still a “5 and dime” sort of place around? Once upon a time there was a place called Richards on Peachtree. Any thoughts?

    See most of you tonight.


  4. Barb says:

    Allan’s mom went into a place called And that! up on Barrett Pkwy, I’m sure she bought some crap that i may have to just give to Goodwill. HAHA

  5. About to buy my first Christmas gift of 2017 – a new Road ID for yours truly.

    Look for me to be back on the road in 2018, and if you find me on the side of the road please use the Road ID I will be wearing.

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