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10 Responses to 2012-11-29

  1. Plan to take advantage of today’s amazing weather to resurrect my “MARTA in, walk back to the M6” exercise plan aborted due to whatever illness is fucking with my body.

  2. Steve says:

    Attended the “Hot Toddies” show last night. Michelle Malone (not with Drag the River), our friend and amazing guitar player Doug, along with a bass player. Amped up Christmas tunes. A very nice evening and we were still home by 9:30.

    My scale is not my friend. I need to get back to regular exercise soon or sew my pie-hole shut.


  3. Barb says:

    Allan wanted to buy a Motorcycle last night- had the meeting set for 6:30-6:45 in Woodstock. Guy wanted us to come to his trailer park- I said NO, we have to meet somewhere more public. So, decided on the outlet stores at Rope Mill. We are almost there (CRAPPY traffic) and we get a text saying he decided not to sell, the car he was going to buy with the money wasn’t available.
    I wonder if it was a scam………. to rob us.
    We will never know.

    Tonight we are going to Love Never Dies – an Andrew Lloyd Webber sequel (not sequel) to Phantom of the Opera. Breaststroke bought the tix & had to fly out of town tonight. Hopefully we can get to midtown in time for dinner before. Pray the traffic gods are nice tonight.

  4. Debbie Brady says:

    Man, I’d be pissed! But sounds like you ducked a bullet. He’s either up to no good or a total flake.

    Finishing up my last issue as editor of the Newnan magazine. Not a moment too soon as the new publisher is a micro manager – which I have no patience for.

    Start the new job on Friday, just in time for the weekend!

    Hope you feel better Paulie. There are some nasty bugs making the rounds.

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