Batten Down The Hatches!

Thankfully (for us in Atlanta) the worst of Irma is veering west, though I still have concerns about high winds and the trees that surround the ITP Estate. I’m sure that insurance will deny any claim I make to renovate my kitchen due to a tree tearing down my power line and penetrating my roof.

It appears that Irma also lost a lot of oomph by the time it reached Tampa, near where my mother lives. I’ll have to wait for her to return home and let me know that she is okay before my concerns about her are eased.

A Weekend Of Sport Watching
With the exception of a few hours when I met friends I expected to meet, as well as one that I hadn’t — Phil (aka “Screams Like A Girl”) — at Hopstix in Chamblee and eating a wonderful solo meal at the Chinese Food Court up there, I was at home, in front of the TV.

On Saturday morning I watched an Australian rugby match and a couple of Bundesliga soccer games. I spent nearly the entirety of yesterday watching sports, first my Bundesliga team Werder Bremen’s tie against Hertha Berlin, then part of another Bundesliga game, then the Falcons game, then part of the Atlanta United game, and then the Seahawks v. Packers game. I’d have watched the Giants v. Cowboys game too if not for feeling somewhat guilty for doing nothing else.

What? No college football? Nope, Florida’s game was canceled due to Irma and I also remembered that I have little interest watching the sport after last year’s Final Four debacle when Ohio State was invited to the tournament when they hadn’t even played for their conference championship.

Wait? What about la Vuelta a Espana? Nope, the outcome was cast and I held true to not watching it because it bored me. I understand Contador rode well on Saturday in a effort to have something to show for his final competitive event.

Going, Going, Gone?
This weekend I think that I finally completed the transfer of my InterAmericas Hash registration. I hope.

Once I am certain that the receiving party has taken ownership I will be earmarking the $199 paid to me for some other things, including making arrangements to buy a meal for ITP-Reader Barb.

Home Is Where The Work Is
I’m using the mayor’s heed to stay off the roads, as well as “XYZ Corp”‘s edict to work remotely today, to work from home. Unfortunately I planned for this and brought my laptop home with me so I will have work and not goof off all day. 😉

Stay safe.

Paulie [eatl/ga]

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16 Responses to Batten Down The Hatches!

  1. ITP Mom just called, she is safe and her house was spared.

  2. Steve says:

    Good news from mom.

    The bank is open for essential personnel (not me) and everyone else that can should be working from home. When we had the Verizon system, I could work fairly well, but the satellite makes it impossible. Add the rain in and the connection is sketchy at best.

    The farm is prepared as best as we know, All loose items have been secured, so all we have to worry about it power and trees. We have water on standby (no power, no pump), and I’m going to crank the chain saw just for luck. Horses are in the barn.

    Fingers crossed.


  3. ITP Lurker says:

    Whew! for your mother.

    I think your site blocks links but today’s community service post is Georgia Power has an outage map at outagemap dot georgiapower dot com. Multiple outages across town already and it’s not even game on yet.

    • Not blocked, just requires moderation to ensure spam links don’t get an immediate pass.

      I’m at home still, keeping my fingers crossed that the trees in my neighborhood stay upright. Maybe this is the year I stop being a treehugger and take down the ones that pose a clear and immediate danger to my house (or power line).

      • ITP Lurker says:

        I’m giving a pass to any of my trees that make it through this. This Sword of Damocles feeling sucks nonetheless.

  4. Lunch eaten – sandwich of chicken breast on pan-toasted homemade bread (which means butter was involved), with ranch dressing spread. Wow was it tasty!

  5. Barb says:

    I’m still at the office, we are supposed to go home, but I’ve got so much going on, I figured I’d finish a little more before leaving.
    So far, I’m underwhelmed by this storm

  6. Large branch from neighbor’s tree now in my back yard. Guess I will learn how to use the chainsaw I bought last year. 😡

  7. Steve says:

    We lost power about 1:15 and it hasn’t flickered. Up at the cafe (closed) surfing from my work phone. Can’t even seem to get email at the house. Bank said essential staff tomorrow, but I might go.

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