I just looked at the clock and realized that at 8:30am and I’d not even considered blogging today. Oops.
Give It Away Now
I had a decent time mixing and mingling last night at the Loews hotel’s lobby bar. I actually was the lucky winner of a ticket to a Billy Joel tribute concert tomorrow night at City Winery. Two problems:
– I am not the biggest fan of Joel’s music. I liked it back in the 1970s, but not too much since.
– I am busy tomorrow night, so I cannot attend.
So, out of the goodness of my heart I gave my winning ticket to a guy who wanted to go to the show. I’m a mensch like that.
Good Day Of Exercise And Food
I managed to sweat out my toxins for an hour at LA Fitness before meeting up with Hank for lunch. Hank’s new office is at the corner of Spring/17th so from there we walked over to a restaurant called Sausalito West Coast Grill.
After lunch I stopped into Joe’s Coffee Shop in East Atlanta for a cup of coffee and a slice of cake before returning home, and instead of doing the things I needed to do I watched a few episodes of before taking a nap.
After the meet up I was hungry so stopped into Fellini’s in Candler Park for a slice of pizza and a salad.
I Want To Get Away
I have wanderlust.
Paulie [eatl/ga]
Wanderlust? Hmmm…
So, given this “strong, innate desire to rove or travel about”, what’s stopping you?
Can’t you very effectively do what(ever) it is you’re doing now, while traveling using the InterWebs?
If not now, then when?
In order to execute my desire to travel the following must occur:
– rid myself of possessions which are non-essential. Those that are essential but not transportable will need to be put into storage.
– sell the ITP Estate.
– find a job that will allow me to work remotely (proving to be harder for a software developer than I imagined) since I have deemed that I do not have enough money to last me through my days.
I will see if my wanderlust passes before I tackle these. Until I make my final decision I will dream about it…
So where would you wander? Become an itinerant blogger?
As Debbie was gone, it was a quiet evening last night. Somehow I managed to record the World Cup from the velodrome in LA that happened last week. I say somehow, as I didn’t think I was receiving Universal Network, but I’ll be darned, there it is. Paris-Nice starts Sunday and it’s all scheduled to record!!
As I don’t currently have a working road bike, running is my exercise of choice (not that I did any yesterday). I guess I’ll have to get some parts and repair my bike. If I only knew someone with such skills…
Debbie and Phinney survived the trip to Live Oak. They are currently hunting and hopefully I’ll have a report back shortly.
Paulie, did you hear about Reese?
Reese. 🙁
Yeah, Betsy told me what was going to happen. I will be going over to Betsy’s tomorrow night. 😥
And I don’t know where I want to go. All. Know is that I should be near to Florida for my mother, so that limits me greatly.
I support your move to Florida. You just have to keep blogging 🙂
No move back to Florida in my future. Goal is to move ahead, not backward.
I’ve got it! CUBA!! Still close to Florida, land of opportunity!
I had dinner with a friend yesterday who’s recently got a new job. She recruits in the health care industry for people who want to do part time stints all over the country. Like, they’ll do 13 weeks here, or 26 weeks there, and each time the time is up, they get placed somewhere else again. That sounds perfect for you if there was something like that in your industry. She said one of her last clients was in Maine for a bit then wanted to go to Hawaii, so she placed her in Hawaii. Talk about extremes! But how awesome would that be?
There was a hasher who did that for a while. An RN, but I can’t remember her name.
I know a PT that does that. I should start investigating…
ARGH – I wrote a comment & it disappeared.
too busy to re-type
hope you all are having a great day!
Sorry about that Barb. I looked to see if it got saved by the blog software, but no luck,
I think it was my fault – I never hit send.
I want to go to City Winery – I would have taken those tickets off your hands. I’d be ok with a free Billy Joel soundalike
It was not only one ticket.