Well, It’s 2017

It’s the beginning of the end.

It Could’ve Been Worse
By and large the weather gods smiled upon us yesterday. Though the temperature was as cold as predicted the rain let up for the most part for Cheddarhead.

I “ran” the first third of the trail, from the start to the Wisconsin Beer Stop, before using technology to walk a shortcut to the end. It was good to see many people that I no longer see that often.

Unfortunately the bowling portion of Cheddarhead imploded again this year. Upon arriving at The Comet Pub & Lanes I saw ITP-Reader Steve and he said that there was a 1.5 hour wait for lanes. It was better in the days when bowling wasn’t so hip. A small group of us headed out and once again found lanes at Funtime Bowl on Buford Highway where we rolled two games. Congratulations go out to ITP-Reader Bob who bested my 157 in the first game with a 178 in the second; neither of us would consider these scores our best. I miss hanging with the hash at the alleys but there is no way we could have entertained ourselves until lanes freed up, and we had a time limit.

From Funtime lanes we literally raced back to Sani’s house for the beginning of the Packers v. Lions game. I stayed until it was apparent that the Packers had the game in the bag, and then drove home.

Fun day.

ITP Flickr Pic
Good thing that I didn’t resolve to have a photo in each blog post.

Working My New Gig
As soon as I am done knocking this blog post out I am hitting the books, or instructional videos as the case may be today. It’s 2017 which means that I need to find a job. Poop. Much like the dream of never having to even consider that Donald Trump was going to win the election, it was fun while it lasted.

Paulie [eatl/ga]

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25 Responses to Well, It’s 2017

  1. Steve says:

    Clearly the staff at The Comet was overwhelmed. The woman running the register was also bussing alleys. At one point I saw 7 of 32 lanes dark. That was just before I checked in at the desk once again to learn I was next. A total of not even half an hour. As people hadn’t really showed up yet, I turned in one of my 2 lanes and Piss Pour, UTBABR Sal, Yo Yo and I began bowling. As folks started showing up, my other lane and 4 more were filled with hashers I didn’t recognize.

    We’re waiting on Saddle Sores to return Gus. He was supposedly lame in the back, but we think it was just a lack of fitness and we’ll work on that.

    My R/C helicopter has returned from the dead when I replaced some of the batteries in the controller. Then I almost put it in a very tall tree. More practice.


  2. I figured your luck had changed, and that’s why you didn’t make the journey to Funtime.

    I wanted to ask about the helicopter. You said you found it behind a sofa, your sofa? The sofa you were trying to move the other day? I am confused.

  3. steve says:

    Behind the sofa we were moving! Since Barb had gone home, I texted Bob I was staying, but never got a response. I suppose I should have texted you.

  4. Paulie [eatl/ga] says:

    Oh well. Funtime opens at 5pm do it was nearly completely empty when we arrived. We should work on PE to end bear it next year. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  5. Paulie [eatl/ga] says:

    Oh Barb, you just tested a feature of this new design รขโ‚ฌโ€œ threaded comments!

    I probably won’t be putting up a post today, too much malaise, nothing to say. I am sitting at the ophthalmologist office, appointment is at 9:20.

  6. Barb says:

    After hearing the bowling alley was busy – we headed home – Allan was actually cold – I knew something was wrong when he turned on the seat warmer in the car.

    We got home, watched the 2nd half of the Falcons game, started the Packers game, he decided to get some sleep. I was afraind he was getting sick, but 12 hours of sleep later, the next morning – he was fine.

  7. Stacy says:

    I’ve pretty much determined I will never make a Cheddarhead again. ๐Ÿ™ I had big intentions to this year, but the weather just didn’t cooperate. I am definitely a fair weather hasher. I’m glad to hear the rains held off a little for you though and I hope Willy’s yard held up to the punishment.

    It was a very low key weekend for me. Spent all day on Saturday cleaning — oh look! I have a bedroom floor! — because I decided I wanted to wake the year in a clean home. Had lunch with a friend Sunday, a couple drinks after, and then I went waaaaay OTP to visit a friend/watch the Packer game on Sunday night. (Hey, he made me steak. That’s all it takes sometimes.) Yesterday was lay-on-couch day. I should have taken down the Christmas tree but didn’t.

    It’s hard to be back at work today, knowing we don’t have another holiday until end of May now. But the second I think that, I also remember my friends looking for jobs so realize I shouldn’t complain. I currently have 4 of them — everyone in their own little circumstance for the reason why. This not including friends holding jobs but actively searching yet. ‘Tis the season for change, I guess!

    T-36 days ’til vacation….

  8. Paulie [eatl/ga] says:

    Today’s weigh-in: 223.8

    If the ophthalmologist doesn’t do anything that will interfere with me working out I may brave LA Fitness afterward. Either way I will be headed to the lavanderia today.

    I need to get some exercise today because I am sore after all of that running/bowling I did on Sunday. Sad.

  9. Barb says:

    Paulie – I hope the eye doc can figure out what to do…………

    I need to get to the Y that we joined & actually do something – I was looking at the spin classes & some other classes – and I really want to do a water arobics class, I noticed its all older people, so maybe I won’t totally suck compared to them. But -most of those classes are during the day………

    Last night we picked up JoAnna & Mike fromt eh airport – she gets to pay me back Wed night & Friday night – now I need to figure out wht to pack for basically a day & a half in Iowa.

  10. Paulie [eatl/ga] says:

    Thanks Barb,

    Current status: chlazion removed, will be headed home instead of to gym and/or lavanderia.

  11. Stacy says:

    I hope all went well with the chlazion removal, Paulie. Did you get to keep it and take it home like my Dad did his gall stones? ๐Ÿ˜‰ (hahaha and ewwwwwwwwwwwwww)

    Barb, safe travels to you. I’m really sorry you have to go back for this reason, but hopefully you can have some nice family time as well.

  12. Barb says:

    its supposed to be COLD in Iowa too, I see high of 11 & 18?
    what to pack……..????
    At least I know my mom & dad are always cold, so the house will be toasty.

    And yes Stacy – they do say the best family reunions are weddings & funerals – so I will be seeing lots of long lost relatives, which will be very nice. I see a good evening out Thursday night after the visitation with all my cousins.

  13. Steve Brady!! says:

    These 2 day long blogs are killer!!

    Hope the doc visit went well and that growth doesn’t reoccur.

    Saddle Sores dropped off Gus, the “lame” horse yesterday. Debbie let them out this morning and he only shows signs of hauling ass- no lameness.

    I rode a solid hour on the trainer last night. I think I might have to get in shape and go find some of these roads some day. Stunningly beautiful scenery.

    I think the problem with the helicopter lies in the controller, which seems t eat batteries. I have a plan…

    Maybe the rain will hold off today- the blizzard comes this weekend!


  14. Paulie [eatl/ga] says:

    Home from the ophthalmologist. Doctor seems to think everything went well though my eyes still bugging the shit out of me because it feels like there’s something in it. It may be it I am related to the swelling that’s occurred, but if it remains I will need to go back because it is driving me crazy.

  15. Paulie [eatl/ga] says:

    I am now lying on the couch with an ice pack on my right eye hoping the swelling goes down to not bother goes away too. And please disregard any grammatical and spelling errors at this point because all I can do is dictate because typing with one eye shut is a pain in the ass.

  16. Steve Brady!! says:

    Hang tough. You’ll be back to having a glaring sneer in no time.

  17. Barb says:

    Steve – you didn’t answer – what does this mean? UTBABR Sal ???

  18. Paulie [eatl/ga] says:

    At 2:25 PM my eye still feels like it has something in it; this is after hours of icing it. I called the ophthalmologist and they say that this is normal and I just need to keep icing it. They said the swelling will go away eventually. God I hope they’re right, because right now I feel as if I have disabled myself.

  19. Barb says:

    eyelids are sensitive – give it some time. I know that sucks, but………..

  20. Steve Brady!! says:

    Used to be a blog reader!

  21. Paulie [eatl/ga] says:

    Well, looks like I’m going to lose an entire day to this chlazion removal. Hopefully things will get better overnight because if they don’t I’m going back to the ophthalmologist tomorrow. I can’t do anything except sleep in this condition.

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