Oh Man, Oh Man

I have delusional thoughts today. I can’t explain because they are too far fetched. Maybe if I start acting upon these thoughts I will elaborate in this space.

What Did I Do Last Night?
For some reason I can’t recall. Oh wait, I remember now. I left work around 6:30pm, traffic was okay, not great, but better than normal. For some reason this convinced me that I should drive all the way down near Decatur and fill my belly with cheap, Chinese buffet.

Bad Paulie.

I was home by 7:30pm, watched a little “TV” on my iPad, and then fell asleep. Thankfully this time I was not preparing any food for future lunches.

Good Paulie
Although a little bit late I did wake up in time to get an hour of time on the trainer this morning.

Trivia Tonight
With no winter storm brewing we are on again for trivia tonight. Wahoo!

Paulie [eatl/ga]

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3 Responses to Oh Man, Oh Man

  1. DANGEN, I forgot to mention Abe Vigoda’s death again. Waaaaay back in March of 2005 (!) I linked to his website to let you know whether he was dead of alive. The website changed this week…

  2. Steve says:

    Trying to get all my ducks in a row to be able to leave tomorrow. A very noce lunch at the Birmingham office yesterday. I was expecting just what was served in the cafeteria that day, but I doubt they were serving steak and potatoes!! Although slightly well done, it was still pretty good.

    A problem with my bike last night cut my ride short. Somehow, a link of the chain started to come apart and by the time I figured out what was happening, I fixed it and was done for the night.

    The puppy was wound up last night, and only settled down when we put her in her box. All the other dogs were ready for some relief. As were we.

    I remember the fake reports of Abe Vigoda’s death but was sure he was already dead by now. Oops.


  3. Barb says:

    I saw a clip with David Letterman joking about him being dead (or not dead) in the 80s.
    I also read his daughter said he died of old age. Good answer!

    It took me forever to get home last night (ok, 40 minutes, but it should take me 10) because of 75 being shut down.
    Then – after I got home, I thought I needed to go to the grocery store. That wasn’t happening – Powers Ferry was a parking lot since they routed everyone off 75. Good thing we have lots & lots of food in our cupboards.

    Its supposed to be really nice this weekend – I wonder if the trails will be dry enough to test out the new mtn bike? If not, I see a road ride happening, its been forever since I’ve been ona bike.

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