I’m In The Office When I Should Be Packing For FDR

You know I’m behind schedule and not happy.

May your day be better than mine.

Paulie [eatl/ga]

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7 Responses to I’m In The Office When I Should Be Packing For FDR

  1. Barb says:

    I’m at the office, getting very annoyed with people.
    fun friday.

  2. bob says:

    I’m working from home and stressing about what to pack for Europe. Also wondering what the hell I am going to do on a plane for 9 hours.

  3. Barb says:

    Bob – nap & watch a movie or 2 or 3 – and take a book. If you are flying Delta hopefully you have the individual screens at your seat.
    Get Luis to work your flight?
    Drink lots of water, walk around the plane so you don’t get blood clots. (take an aspirin before flying to think the blood)

  4. bob says:

    Good ideas Barb! I don’t know why I didn’t ask Luis if he was working any of the flights.

  5. Jenka says:

    The flight will be overnight. They will serve you dinner and then shut off the cabin lights and you try to sleep. They they bring up the lights and serve you breakfast. It’ll be morning when you arrive.

    Pack layers.

  6. bob says:

    Thanks Jenka.

    I got a hold of Luis and he is flying to Munich tomorrow. He is going to try and switch to my flight, that would be pretty cool. If he does switch I need to think of ways for him to mess with my boss 🙂

  7. Barb says:

    Bob – that would be hilarious. Keep us posted

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