Traffic, blergh! Thanks to not being able to get my ass out of bed well before the sun arose I was forced to wait out traffic and join my conference call from my car. I’m tired of this.
And now I have no time for anything else. Have a great and safe weekend, friends.
Paulie [eatl/ga]
A little suffering before dinner last night. Also, Lowes called and I picked up the new door for the man cave. This will go in the wall the stalls are attached to so Debbie has a more secure location to store stuff. I have given up trying to fake a method of framing said door into a metal building and called on a friend with a welder. It would be fairly straightforward, if I had that equipment and skills, but my skill is with wood. I will have to find a place for the materials, as I don’t have a clue where you buy such stuff.
Hopefully there will be riding this weekend.
I hope you all have fun for Halloween and the home crawl is a big success.
so glad today is the end of October -hopefully things slow here at the office.
but – a co-worker is out for 2 weeks starting monday for back surjery -s o I don’t think it will.
Delivering some coolers to Double Rubber’s house at lunch today for tomorrow – we will just go pick them up filled later this evening. (much easier that way)
smoking some pork butt for the hashers too – they won’t know what to do when it isn’t pizza at the end.
Paulie – come have a beer with us tomorrow- I’m sure you can come up with something easy (wear bike clothes, photog with the vest & camera?)
I will keep it in mind Barb.