On The Road With ITP

Making a sooner-than-anticipated stop for breakfast. I’m still well ITP at the Einstein’s on North Druid Hills because my hunger won out. I’m overfilling my belly so that I can last until LEAF happy hour with snacks. With any luck I should be in Black Mountain, NC by 1pm, especially since I am now traveling against traffic.

It was a tense time at trivia last night as I ruined our perfect score by answering “Nokia” instead of “Sony-Ericsson” for the question about a Japanese-Swedish telephony partnership. Thankfully even though we did poorly on the final question we still had enough points to be victorious.

Speaking of victories, how about those Amazing Mets! Stacy, a Cubs fan, and I are now bitter rivals. Who would have thought this would be the case at the start of this season?

Have a great weekend friends!

Paulie [eatl/ga]

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3 Responses to On The Road With ITP

  1. Stacy says:

    And you’re lucky you can’t see it: my Facebook is all Cubbed-up this morning. *grin*

    If it gets down to Game 7 to decide it (which would be next Sunday), if you’re around we should meet up to watch it together! Normally watching a ball game out would be sleep-inducing, but I think this one could be fun. 🙂

  2. bob says:

    Chicago Cubs going this far, who would have thunk it!!

    Have fun at LEAF, should be a real nice weekend. I am heading West to Anniston for the coldwater mountain fat tire fest. 2 days of bikes, beers, and buddies. Can’t wait!

  3. Barb says:

    crazy busy here at work.

    Mets vs. Cubs – who’d have thunk it???

    Shed building should be starting tomorrow, if the lumber is delivered today like I heard it was.

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