I stole a ride this morning. During a “normal” week Tuesday is a rest day, but I consulted the weather map this morning and decided to skip my 8am conference call and get a ride in before the predicted rain arrives later.
As rides go this one wasn’t too bad, save the amount of moisture in the air which caused an equal amount of moisture to spill from my body. It was also one of those rides where if a car could pop out of a driveway/corner and cause me to slow down, it did. Oh well, speed kills, right?
ITP Flickr Pic
Here’s a young lady who is in much better shape than yours truly
and she’s probably 25 years younger as well. 😉
A Monday Of Chores
Because of the weather last night I decided to make multiple store stops along my journey home. My first stop was Costco where I ate a cheap dinner of a slice of pizza and beer, and then picked up a couple of needed items. From Costco I stopped at the Target in Buckhead, mostly because it has covered parking and it appeared as if it were going to rain. In Target I picked up a shopping bag’s worth of necessities and after finding one of the two registers that were open I checked out.
The rain arrived in buckets on my drive home from Target. I am always humored about how dirty a car can look even after getting soaked by rain. I guess I’m going to have to wash the M6 soon…
Oh Yes It’s German Night, Oh What A Night
Somehow Tuesday has rolled around again and it’s time for me to return to my German class. I spent a few hours last night doing what proved to be a difficult homework assignment because it included listening to some audio in which the people spoke quickly (to me) using words that I didn’t know.
Tonight is class seven of ten, and I am already looking into registering for German A2.2.
Paulie [eatl/ga]
A relatively short day at the office, followed by a meeting in Tucker with the Park folks. We learned the power problems on the field were caused by someone driving a large tent stake through the 4″ conduit that provides power to the field. The report was the the ground was smoking!! 480v will do that. They hope to have it fixed before Yellow Daisy.
The drive home was slightly soggy. I could see the wall of water at 285 and Old National, and watched a plane take off and bank so hard to the left he must have thought he was still flying fighter jets. I hope he warned the passengers.
Hoping to get back to the Ben Hilton tonight to mow, but the weather needs to cooperate.
Taylor Phinney wears yellow in Colorado. Good for him.
I hope it doesn’t rain this afternoon/evening – we need to figure out the Wheelhopper trail for Sunday. We think (in theory) we have a good idea of what we are doing, but if course, we need to actually ride some of it.
Friday night is our only other free time, besides Sunday morning.
Went for a quick hike last night with JoAnna – it got quite windy & we joked about getting struck by lightning on the mountain as we headed back to the cars. It started to rain just as we were getting to the parking lot. Perfect timing.
Even though I’m a Black Sheeper (I have one Black Sheep credit this year) I suppose that I will ride your Wheelhopper trail on Sunday. Shit, it’ll give me an excuse to use the bike rack! 🙂
I saw one nice bolt of lightning on my drive home last night.
well – it is a Black Sheep joint ending – so maybe you can be both.
I think I’m clear to ride Sunday- will it be CX friendly, or will a MTB be needed?
don’t know yet, but I think CX might be tough in some places. I’ll see what Allan says & let you know tomorrow.
Lake Hartwell campout info is posted somewhere FB is telling me. In case you care.
Unfortunately I can’t make it to Hartwell this year as I will be in Black Mountain, NC for LEAF with Lisa, Randy, and their boys.