But they can also bend the truth as in the case of the Crockpot Curry Chicken Recipe recipe I am currently cooking for today’s “Thanksgiving” pot luck lunch at work. In the photos shown in the recipe the sauce is a brilliant red-orange, and is creamy beyond belief. In my version there is no color, other than the brownish tint provided by the garam marsala I added, and the sauce is very watery, most likely because I waited far too long to defrost the chicken breasts so they never leached out the “up to 15%” water added to them by the producer. In an effort to add some color I tossed in some saffron (the most expensive spice in the world) that I purchased this morning at Publix for $6.20(!).
Speaking of pictures, I considered bringing my camera into Colony Square last night to snap some shots of the can sculptures (think “Cookie Monster” from last week). It’s a good thing I didn’t lug in any extra weight because the exhibit has already been removed. Further evidence that I should get the shots while I can and not wait for the “best” opportunity.
Still Struggling On The German Front
I still feel as if German is currently bouncing off my head instead of soaking in. Because of Thanksgiving next week (already?!?!) there will be no class on Tuesday night. My goal is to study hard for the next two weeks in an effort to prime the pump and get back on track, to mix a few metaphors. Last night I ordered “English Grammar for German Students” so hopefully I will also now be (re)learning English as I learn German. It’s never too late, right?
Ack, I’m already too busy to think about what else I wanted to add today.
Bis Morgen! (Until Tomorrow!)
Paulie [eatl/ga]
Wondra – it works well to thicken sauces.
Speaking of Wondra, we tried something new for dinner last night. I was given some venison cube steak, and a co-worker told me to cook it in the crockpot. It turned out quite well, and was a great cold weather dinner. It made a very nice mushroom gravy, to be served with mashed potatoes. Sue came over to give us massages, so I try to feed her something interesting for dinner.
I have Wondra at home, but didn’t think to bring it with me. Oh well, this was advertised as an experimental dish to those who inquired, so if they don’t like it that’s not my problem.
If I do make it again I will cook down the onions and peppers like I do when making Jambalaya so that they melt away in the cooking process. As of now there are way too many distinct diced pieces of each remaining for my liking. I’ve cranked up the heat to High, hopefully that will soften them without destroying the chicken.
Oh, and I’ve added a link to the recipe as part of the top of this post if anyone is interested in looking at what I thought that I was making today.
Since I’m not a huge curry fan, it doesn’t interest me that much.
Next on my crockpot list is some beef roast cooked with peppercinis. So simple & yet so good.
I need to get on my Thanksgiving dinner planning, people coming over, need to make sure we have the correct assortment of sides & not 10 pies.
That lovely red is from food coloring, can’t really get it any other way.
Sad day today, Dolores, my neighbors dog, is not doing well, she can barely stand up these days…much less walk…so, yeah…I hate days like today.
I’m heading out for a little bit of early christmas shopping for a needy kid, maybe that will improve my mood. Maybe a comfort food, crock-pot dish will help as well.
No idea what we are doing for Thanksgiving, I think just spending some quite time will be nice. I’m thinking of hitting Costco for a small leg of lamb. Turkey just doesn’t do much for me.
I have given my dish a title: Paul’s “Americurry” Chicken
Barb, I’ve said it every year but I wonder about the people with whom I work. The potluck signup sheet looks like a 1st Grader party, plenty of desserts and people signing up to bring soda.
Martha, this is the main reason I’ve never brought another pet into my life. Hell, I was sad when JFK the feral Jeannie and I pseudo-adopted went away (either by natural causes, capture, or adoption by someone else).
That dish looks wonderful and easy! I’m totally going to make it sometime soon.
If you have more coconut milk, that might thicken it up.
Tried a new place for lunch today – Chicken Salad Chick. So far its just a new OTP place (3 locations), and, if you don’t like chicken salad I wouldn’t go there. It was tasty, who’d have thought a place with 15 varieties of chicken salad would be popular, but the place was full.
Martha – you are welcome to come to our house for Thanksgiving, should be an interesting crowd. And, as an added incentive (or not), Dean & his parents are joining us.
Well, the realtor open. House was a bust. No one showed and our agent is pissed, and rightly so. The house has never looked better and we even went to the trouble of taking the dogs to the vet to spend the day. Oh well.
Just a quick reminder, this is Third Wednesday and Debbie and I will both be in attendance. Come join us.
no George’s for me, got dinner plans wiht an former co-worker