My legs are having the same sensation that I felt after the last time I hashed. You know, right before I had my worst case of poison ivy ever. If not for the interview day, which has me committed until 2pm, I’d be headed over to Target to fill the Prednisone prescription that I received when visiting the doctor back in September. I guess that this will be on this afternoon’s To Do list.
With the exception of the poison ivy potential the weekend was, cold, snowless, but a success. On Friday night we had eight participants, and enough chicken to feed three times as many. Seriously, almost everyone showed up with chicken, enough to share. I had purchased two boxes of macaroni and cheese at the Pine Mountain Dollar General, because it was the first store I saw and I couldn’t remember whether or not there was a proper grocery store on my way, neither of which were opened due to the enormous quantities of food. Oh, I should mention that someone also brought sushi, and one of the chicken bringers also brought a bean soup.
Hello sensible eating. Goodbye sensible eating.
Though I packed my bicycle and Super Suck went on a ride Saturday morning I just couldn’t convince myself to join her. It was very windy and rather chilly, and I just don’t have the clothing for such conditions.
It was nice to see ITP-Reader Steve arrive on Saturday to run what was a short, yet entertaining trail. This must be how I contracted whatever is giving me the beginning stages of itching today. This trail also confirmed that I need to get more exercise as not far into it I deemed myself to be “Wheeze Little Bit” as I huffed and puffed for oxygen.
I am now thinking of buying some Gaiters (oh, more on this later) in order to combat the ivy. These would at least cover the holes that brier have put into the tights that I wear hashing.
On Saturday night we burned enough wood to make a fire that could probably be seen from space, but given how cold it got we certainly needed it.
Steve, by the time I left on Sunday, about 11am (time corrected for Standard Time), we had gone through almost all of the wood that we unloaded.
How about a photo from the weekend? Sure.
“FDR State Park Mushroom #1” (Pine Mountain, GA, USA)
This is one of the varieties of mushrooms that I saw while roaming the woods for kindling on Friday afternoon. You can see the vestibule for my tent on the far left side of this photo, the other tent, up and to the right, belonged to Super Suck.
After unpacking the Jackmobile and then taking a brief rest I had to force myself to put everything away, take a quick shower, and drive up to the lavanderia to do laundry. On my quiet commute home (all electronics had spent batteries) I realized that I have committed myself to something every night this week so I needed to do laundry.
Of course in addition to my itchy sensation I am also now fighting off a cold/allergies. I think that this weekend I will stay home, inside, to find out if next Monday I can show up at work and not be sneezing and have a drippy nose.
ITP-Reader Barb, did you encounter snow?
Oh, and I’d be remiss to not say Go Gators at least once in this blog post. 😀 I never saw that coming.
Paulie [eatl/ga]
While I saw a little PI on trail. I think it was fairly obvious as it had turned fall colors.
It was a fun weekend- as Paulie said, I joined him and the rest of the entertaining gang for a lot of eating and a little hashing. The pile of firewood, which he mentioned was foot long pieces stacked between 2 trees- 4′ x 5′, plus about that much more laying around nearby. It was certainly what the indians (feather not dot) would have called a “white man fire”. I’m sure the coals are still hot right now.
Sunday involved chores, errands and 17 miles on the bike. It got cold quick after the sun went down, so when Debbie returned from her ride, we watched the moon come up from the hot tube. A pleasant way to end the weekend.
TC Friday should be on your calendar.
I don’t wear my glasses while hashing so running through the woods is a bit blurry for me.
Photo of wood (one side of the stack) will be provided tomorrow; poor planning on my part.
TC Friday is on my calendar.
It was cold camping, no snow, a little frost on the windows of the cars Sunday morning. Luckily it wasn’t super windy all weekend – even with a decent size campfire, you don’t feel as much heat.
Mtn biking was fun, thought I’m terribly out of shape, so it was tough. Awesome trails over there. We decided to come home late last night (after dinner), I had a nice little endo & though not hurt, I was a little sore (from both the fall as well as just the biking). I thought sleeping in my warm bed in a warm house might be better for my muscles.
I thought the weekend was going to be a disaster when I got to the campground office, and the lady that worked there was a total idiot. You can’t go in & pick your campsite, they just assign you one. And, I wanted to pay for Tony & Eva’s, since they were coming in late & wanted to be sure we were right next to each other. So, after making that so difficult, we went in & saw the sites & one was WAY TOO SMALL, our tents are big, but not that big. So, back to the damn office. The whole check in process took almost an hour. I was so aggravated. But, once we got set up it was ok.
I think I can fit TC in on Friday.
Sounds like you all had fun camping, was just not in the cards for me. Got a lot done around the house though. With only two weekends off in the cross season I have to take advantage of the time I have. I even bailed on a snake creek pre-ride yesterday. They were doing 34 miles though, I am only racing 17 this year.