Monthly Archives: July 2014

I Didn’t Do It, I (almost) Did It, I DID IT!

I stayed awake as long as I could yesterday, but the beer and the heat beat me by 7pm. Once back in my warm room I fell asleep and was up again by 10:00pm. [update: it’s now 12:10am and I … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 6 Comments

If It’s Tuesday This Must Be Frankfurt

After a long, partially-restful, flight I figured out how to buy a 139€ train ticket to Frankfurt, Germany and make the proper connection with the help of locals. It’s hot in Frankfurt, I see it’s 78° F today and supposedly … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 4 Comments

Ready Or Not, Here I Go

You’d be hard-pressed to find a traveler less prepared on the day of a trip than I am today. Regardless, I fly out this afternoon. I spent a lot of time last night trying to decide what clothes, and how … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 5 Comments

Happy Bastille Day!

I would have loved to run the annual Bastard Day Hash yesterday, but it just wasn’t in the cards. Today’s Daily Challenge Squat and twist to the left and right to pick up a wastebasket and put it down behind … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 10 Comments

Cramming For My Test

It’s a Life Test, one that I will either pass or fail by noon next Tuesday. Today’s Daily Challenge Step sideways up and down a stair with one foot, then turn and repeat with the other foot. Walking up and … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 10 Comments

What Can I Say?

I understand no one likes the cobblestone stages, but I think it was really the rain, perhaps in conjunctions with the lower tire pressures for the cobblestone, that caused yesterday’s mayhem. The real meaning behind today’s title is that I … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 11 Comments

A Little Better

Another short post today however. I have fixed a few of the bugs in my code, but still have much to accomplish before next Tuesday. Today’s Daily Challenge Keep your voice in shape by giving yourself a 30 second jaw … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 5 Comments

Too Busy To Blog

Hating life at the moment. Only one week until I leave for Europe. Life would be too busy if that were the only thing on my plate, but work is not going well either (Thanks, Autolayout!). Ugh, Paulie [eatl/ga]

Posted in My Daily Life | 14 Comments

The Walking Dead

No, not the television show, me. After getting home at 1:00am last night, or should I say this morning, I am a zombie today. It felt like a very short long weekend, one that I’d detail in a second. Today’s … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 4 Comments

Lazy Days?

With the 4th of July being tomorrow I think that I’m going to give myself a day off from blogging. The next three days will be filled with yard work, trip preparation, and hopefully bicycle riding. Oh, and beer drinking. … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 7 Comments