Travel Day

Hi Kids!

After a morning of greeting things gathered that should have gotten gathered last night and a comfortable drive, during which I gleefully passed every officer as I drove the speed limit, I have made it to the outskirts of Bryson City, North Carolina.

I am staying in a small cabin with parking accommodations that scare me — the Jackmobile is parked on the side of the narrow road at the end of a curve. I shan’t be surprised if I am awakes during the middle of the night when another car runs into it. this is where I was tks to park. I may have to break the rules and park in a spot that scares me less and do a short hike to the car.

I have just noticed that I am not alone in this cluster of three buildings. A van just parked a few car lengths away. What are the chances that it is driven by a nice, single young woman? Yes, I know…

The next few days should be “interesting.” I need to drive to the nearest grocery store because I did not see a single restaurant in the last thirty minutes of my journey. At least this cabin is furnished with a fully-functional kitchen. I have been to Bryson City once before, perhaps I will drive into town and buy some groceries.

Paulie [eatl/ga]

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3 Responses to Travel Day

  1. bob says:

    Have fun in Bryson City, stop by the Nantahala Brewing company for a beverage. There is a pretty good pizza joint right next door too.
    Such a cool little town.

  2. Paulie [eatl/ga] says:

    Thanks, Bob. I have a Nanthahala growler from my last visit that I plan to get filled. 😀 I will be stopping at the brewery tomorrow.

    I found an Ingles on my drive to town, purchased some groceries. I just got done eating a burger and beans that I made here at the cabin. As a reward I am drinking a Green Man Brewery (Asheville) IPA.

  3. Steve says:

    At the moment a weekend away sounds great!! Wish I could have one. I like being in charge but I’m only the fall guy. At least I’m now not commuting home- got a room at the Hampton
    in Tucker and already have my feet up.

    Have a great time Paulie.


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