Monthly Archives: July 2013

Crunch Time

My pants weren’t lying. My belt wasn’t lying. I weighed in at LA Fitness this morning — 219 pounds. Ooof, that’s fat. And to think I was actually losing weight before injuring my foot… Today’s Daily Challenge Fridge? Counter? Learn … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 13 Comments


I’m still trying to clear some hurdles in life, like getting past this tendonitis, and trying to train myself — in iOS development, and not to go out to drink beer and eat unhealthy food after each workout. I’ve not … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 16 Comments


It wasn’t until I was home and (and doing yard work?!?!) that I realized that I missed a golden opportunity to return ITP-Reader Martha’s coffee percolator to her yesterday. Dangen! Today’s Daily Challenge Take five minutes to clean the knobs … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 6 Comments

And The Winner Is….

Not me. Tomorrow’s Daily Challenge Ask yourself if you’re hungry the next time you get ready to eat a sweet or salty snack. We use food to fill our stomachs when we’re hungry, but sometimes we may also use it … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 9 Comments


Can’t explain, but I needed to get that off my chest. Today’s Daily Challenge Take a 5-minute gratitude walk: Stroll outside or in your home and note what you’re thankful for. We tend to see the same things day after … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 8 Comments

It’s A Small World After All

My life is strange, but you’ve probably read this space previously so you already know that. Today’s Daily Challenge Check to see if you are up to date on having your teeth cleaned. Dental check-ups and cleanings are an important … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 13 Comments

Stand And Deliver

Making life changes one step at a time. Today’s Daily Challenge Stretch hamstrings and calves with eight runner’s lunges. You don’t have to be a runner to benefit from these lunges, which stretch both the calves and hamstrings. Stretching these … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 16 Comments

6, 6, 6

I’m trying to implement the following: Get out of bed no later than 6am (this is to “get me going” even if I am just going to work). Split my daily vitamin intake and take them at 6am and 6pm. … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 11 Comments

Another “Day Off”

I’m sitting alone at the office spending another of my “days off” listening/watching the Tour de France, shaking my head at some of the coding decisions made by one of the junior developers on my team, downloading WWDC videos for … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 7 Comments

Well, That Explains Some Of The Silence

It appears as if my “Hey, I’m Going To Be Late” post never published. Man it seems almost impossible for me to use WordPress from my iPad these days. Today’s Daily Challenge Try yoga’s lion pose: Kneel on the floor … Continue reading

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