Hmm, last night’s Tweetup sure was fun but I am paying dearly for it today. I slept poorly again and I’m still worn out. I need a vacation, or at least a vacation from alcohol. The body bounces but it doesn’t bounce back the way it used to.
When I finally rolled out of bed I had to fight traffic in order to get to QT to buy gas for the Jackmobile. With the gas I bought some orange juice, which I am hoping will kick me in the right direction.
Have a great weekend all.
Paulie [eatl/ga]
2 nights of drinking in a row? Paulie, Paulie, Paulie… what are we going to do with you? I hate to break it to you, but you’re not 25 anymore. Your body can’t bounce back like it used to. I ran 5 miles Wednesday and I still feel it in my quads.. I ain’t a kid anymore and neither are you.
Taking some time off drinking wouldn’t be a bad idea. A week or 2, maybe the rest of the month, but when you decide, let us know so we can support you.
Have a great weekend!
Event though this is an event-packed weekend I’m considering becoming an observer until next Friday when I am up at LEAF.
On a completely different note: the Gira starts tomorrow. I’m going to find out if any of it is being broadcast by NBC (Universal Sports) and if not may break down and pay the $20 for online access.
I think it’s all being broadcast on Universal, which means I won’t get to see it until they do the weekends on NBC!!! MF’s.
Not to sound too much like a former alcoholic that preaches the benefits of abstinence, but, here I go anyway…man I feel so much better now that I cut way back on my drinking. I didn’t know just how bad I felt until I stopped. Not that I don’t ever drink…but I usually save it for special occasions and now my tolerance is so low it only takes one or two for a really good buzz 🙂 (PS I know I’m not nearly as much fun as I use to be but I’m also far less crazy)
No big plans this weekend, just some riding and running. Heading out to the Comet tomorrow for a 2 hour ride if anyone would like to join me (hint: Paulie, time to knock some dust off the bike).