It Was Just Like Old Times

Except that I no longer run and have added a few pounds since 2000.

When Thursday Played Wednesday
When I first started going to George’s Bar regularly I was a “runner” and newbie hasher. Back then Wednesday night was the night tens of runners met outside of George’s Bar to get a run in, and the smart lot of us would then go inside and drink $5 pitchers of beer. Over the years the running craze has either dwindled, or as I am told more accurately dispersed, and George’s is no longer the place to be on Wednesday nights. Oh, and I should also mention that the core of the group I used to hang with eleven years ago is now eleven years older…

If not the fact that we all showed a little bit of the wear and tear of eleven years you could have convinced me that the year was 2000/2001 last night at George’s Bar. Filled with hashers it was, many of whom I’ve not seen in years, and many more of whom I’ve not seen since my bicycle accident in February interrupted my hashing career.

We were all there for the first night of George’s Bar’s 50th anniversary celebration this weekend. I drank cheap beer, ate an order of $0.25/each chicken wings, fries (had to get my potatoes), and a free cupcake all the while reminiscing with old friends.

Oh, and before all of that I stopped into Taco Mac in Virginia-Highland (aka “The Original”) to add another beer, #313 to be exact, to my list.

There’s A Part Of Me That Wants Some Abuse
My beloved, and terrible, Mets are in Atlanta this weekend. I’ve yet to make it to Turner Field this season for a baseball game (Where has the time gone? Why didn’t I listen to more games using the MLB app on my iPhone?). Though I have an extremely busy weekend planned there’s a part of me that wants to go to a game, wearing my Mets hat to get some abuse. People can tell me that the Mets stink, and I’ll agree with them.

The Strut Is Tomorrow, I Wonder If There Will Be Parking Tonight
Tonight I am planning on making a trip up to The EARL to see Atlanta’s own, and currently containing Two Crabs’ son on bass, Gringo Star perform. I’ve seen this collection of lads, once known as “A Fir Ju Well”, perform for years and have a soft spot for their sound. They seem to be getting a little bit of press these days too as NPR included them in their Fall preview “All Songs Considered” podcast, and even more impressively I was contacted by their PR firm and given a pre-release download of their latest CD. I like it!

My only concern tonight is whether or not the streets of East Atlanta Village will be blocked off in preparation for tomorrow’s East Atlanta Strut. I know. I know. The ITP Estate is so close to the village that I should walk, but sadly crime in the ‘hood is still to rampant to allow me to comfortable do so.

Stats & Goals
Current Mood – okay, thinking of how I can change my life for the better
Current Music – silence in order to crank this out
Website Of The Day – While reading about Roger Daltrey’s performance of “Tommy” up in Alpharetta last night I saw a link to Live Downloads — a service which seems to be selling downloads of recently-recorded shows. I just might have to check them out.
Mode Of Transportation To Work – my car
Exercise (b)Log – nothing (oops)
Morning Weigh-In – not checking until Wednesday

Foot Mileage – 0.0 miles
Wheel Mileage – 99.5 miles
Pushups – 0
Situps – 0
Stairs – 27 flights

Consecutive Days Of Bed-Making (Longest Streak) – 0 (0)

Vegetarian Days – 1
Carnivorous Days – 14

Marta Rides To Work – 0
Bike Rides To Work – 0

September Goals
– “Completely” recover from the bike crash
– Ride my bike no fewer than 150 miles
– Not to get sick for the entire month
– Not get fired from my job
– Run at least twice
– Eat vegetarian no fewer than five days
– Lose three pounds

2011 Goals [will be a little more fluid than in past years]
– Reduce my weight by 25 pounds based on the my weight as measured on February 1st
Completely read the book Daily Negations which I received as a Christmas gift.
– Run Sharpened Stone as a real business — one which does not get penalized.
– Save $500 for the sole purpose of donating to charitable organizations of my choice
– Attend at least one professional photography workshop
– Enter no fewer than three photographic competitions / gallery showings
Ride in no fewer than five 50 mile or 50K bike rides
– Run in no fewer than two one half-marathon
– Submit at least one application under the name “Sharpened Stone” to Apple’s iOS store

The Unmeasurable
– Continue backing up all data, including the off-site storage
– Become a proficient programmer in Objective-C
– Do not create a solution for something which is not a problem
– Eat smaller portions

Paulie [eatl/ga]

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13 Responses to It Was Just Like Old Times

  1. Steve says:

    It was great to see such a turnout. Since I don’t hash much anymore, Georges is my connection to that world. It’s a world that has been responsible for my many friends and acquaintances, and responsible for the opportunity of meeting the lovely woman who shares my name. There were a couple of folks I expected to show but didn’t, but all in all I think it was a great showing of support. I’ll even take a little credit for spreading the word.

    And my run with Little Easy prior to the festivities was pretty good. Now that the weather is starting to turn a bit, I’m glad to almost be back to running shape.


  2. Martha says:

    Sounds like a good time last night. I thought about popping over after the gym/my run…but I was starving. No offense to George but I find the food underwhelming, plus I figured with the crowd would make eating a little difficult.

    Speaking of running, I ran ‘naked’ last night, no watch, no garmin, no iPod, very strange but not have as bad as I thought it would be…I do think Sunday’s long run will be a little rougher.

    So any great epiphanies on how to better your life yet?

  3. npts says:

    I think you should stay home, it’s too dangerous outside

  4. Barb says:

    well – George’s service is the same as always, almost non-existent & not very thrilled to be waiting tables – but as long as you know that, you deal with it. I’d have thought they would have had even more staff there last night, I mean, it was their 50th anniversary. But – the wings were okay – figured we ought to order them as it was easy. I should have gotten a burger………

    It was great to see so many old friends – we might have to pop in down there a little more often.

  5. I can’t stay at home, I get too wound up yelling at kids to get off my lawn.

    In all seriousness, the Gringo Star show will probably end around 1am and I don’t feel all that comfortable walking home alone through East Atlanta at that time of night/morning. I really wish I did though.

  6. whiner says:

    WLB &FP: I ran George’s before I started hashing, over 25 years ago,remember when it started in front of Murphy’s? Of all the weekly runs, Wed at the back parking lot of George’s was my favorite. I was competitive then and looked forward to racing with Bitch,Boner,Sally and many others. I miss those days and you guys big time.
    I thought I would be in ATL this w/e for the red dress but I have to save money for Savannah.
    Tell those cute waitresses at George’s I said hello. Everyone,have a fun w/e.

  7. Martha says:

    Is anyone else not getting notified via email about new commnets?

  8. Paulie [eatl/ga] says:

    Funny you mention that Martha, I just reloaded my site because I am not receiving email notification for comments.

  9. Steve says:

    Whiner, those were high times and I miss them (and you) as well. The regular crowd on Wednesdays is mush smaller than it used to be. A-team at 6pm is lucky to get 4 or 5, while the B team and walkers can be a few more.

    Barb, considering the crowd, they were doing the best they could. While they have a sew more staff, I think it might be a long weekend for them.

  10. Martha says:

    RE: the garmin

    I noticed today, while I manually entered my run from yesterday, there is a new feature on Garmin Connect – Course.

    You can now create a course in Garmin Connect, save it and upload (download??) to the garmin.

  11. Whiner will be in Savannah? Sweet! I’ll have to make sure to spend some time drinking some beer with you, Whiner.

  12. bob says:

    Definitely nice to see people last night that I have not seen in quite a while. And thankfully, we did not have to peel Travis off the ceiling after that cupcake he ate right before bed time 🙂

  13. Barb says:

    Steve – I love how you give them the benefit of the doubt on terrible service. I just think when you throw a 50th anniversary party, you would assume you will have a big crowd & staff accordingly. I never expect good service at George’s, but I had sort of hoped that they would pleasantly surprise me last night.

    It isn’t like I won’t go there ever again……..

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