Paulie Takes A “Holiday”

I’ve decided to spend this hot Tuesday away from work. With a 9am physical therapy appointment (my PT’s office no longer opens earlier on Tuesdays) and a desire to attend the Atlanta iOS Developers Meetup at 6:30pm over near the Westside (at Strongbox West) I’ve decided that it’s not worth the effort to get to, and get out of, the Perimeter Mall area today.

Lavanderia Success, Bedroom Shelf Near-Failure
Last night I skipped the Roswell Photographic Society meeting in order to do laundry. As I’ve done most of the time recently I chose the lavanderia next to Las Tortas Locas so that I could get a decent dinner while doing laundry. During the process of waiting for my laundry to get done I read half of a small book called Solo Hiking (I had intended to read the rest of the book when I arrived home last night, but you know how that goes…)

While putting away my laundry I discovered that one of the shelves that I installed in my bedroom closet twelve years ago has started to loosen. This is not surprising to me as this is the shelf that has been tasked to hold the weight of a bazillion t-shirts for all these years. Add another item to my “To Do” list….

Brake Light Failure
Well it’s happened again. While driving to the lavanderia last night I noticed that my brake light “dummy light” had come on. Dangen! Since that lavanderia is near an AutoZone store I tried, but failed, to find out which light had burned out so that I could walk over to the store and buy a new bulb. When I got home from eating dinner and doing laundry I wedged a large block of wood against a depressed brake pedal and saw that another light had indeed burned out. The only comfort I take from this adventure is that it was not a light that I recently replaced. Add another item to my “To Do” list….

ITP Flickr Pic
Nope. Add another item to my “To Do” list….

It’s More Of A Working Holiday
In addition to going to physical therapy I will also be stopping at the post office to finally ship my race medals, buy gasoline for my lawn mower, and return home to do some yard work I’d like to get completed before this week’s rain storms hit.

Even though the temperatures will be climbing today I will have to be in “fully cover” clothing mode because I will be working in an area that I sprayed with weed killer (which did nothing!) last week and my hand has a small spot of poison ivy.

After yard work and a good shower I will return to the front of my computer screen in order to work on some application coding problems which have been nagging me. I am returning to a coder’s lifestyle and loving it — looks like I’ll be single forever.

I have to do something to start taking things off my “To Do” list…

Stats & Goals
Current Mood – fair
Current Music – listening to the latest “GardenFork Radio” podcast
Website Of The Day – I’m hoping that by the time you read this the Cloud Appreciation Society website has exited its maintenance mode. And if it is, go listen to one of the versions of The Orb’s “Little Fluffy Clouds” hosted on Grooveshark.
Mode Of Transportation To Work – my car
Exercise (b)Log – nothing
Morning Weigh-In – still in bed so it’s hard to check

Foot Mileage – 0.0 miles
Wheel Mileage – 0.0 miles
Pushups – 0
Situps – 0
Stairs – 0 flights

Consecutive Days Of Bed-Making (Longest Streak) – 0 (0)

Vegetarian Days – 3
Carnivorous Days – 15

Marta Rides To Work – 0
Bike Rides To Work – 0

April Goals
– “Completely” recover from the bike crash
– Not to get sick for the entire month
– Not get fired from my job
– Run at least once
– Lose two pounds
Go out on a date with someone else
– Read an entire book, specifically The Mole People: Life In The Tunnels Beneath New York City

2011 Goals [will be a little more fluid than in past years]
– Reduce my weight by 25 pounds based on the my weight as measured on February 1st
Completely read the book Daily Negations which I received as a Christmas gift.
– Run Sharpened Stone as a real business — one which does not get penalized.
– Save $500 for the sole purpose of donating to charitable organizations of my choice
– Attend at least one professional photography workshop
– Enter no fewer than three photographic competitions / gallery showings
Ride in no fewer than five 50 mile or 50K bike rides
– Run in no fewer than two one half-marathon
– Submit at least one application under the name “Sharpened Stone” to Apple’s iOS store

The Unmeasurable
– Continue backing up all data, including the off-site storage
– Become a proficient programmer in Objective-C
– Do not create a solution for something which is not a problem
– Eat smaller portions

Paulie [eatl/ga]

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11 Responses to Paulie Takes A “Holiday”

  1. Steve says:

    My suggestion for lawn equipment- always use premium gas. Since I started using it, performance has much inproved.

    I managed to ride 2 wheels instead of 4 hooves last night. Hopefully the trainer will not come today and I can ride my own horse!!


  2. Barb says:

    If you have to replace your closet shelves, the newer closet stuff at Home Depot/ Lowes is pretty nice. You basically attach a piece across the wall to all the studs, and the shelves then attach to that piece. It works so much better than the old stuff that you anchored just into the sheetrock. I mean, even I could probably figure out how to hang these shelves. (not that I actually did hang them, but I bought the stuff).

    We are riding the bikes tonight in Roswell, Allan needs more “stuff” from Cycleworks, and after the ride I want to try a little place called Mr. Taco. I’ve had 2 or 3 totally unrelated people that don’t know each other tell me about it.

  3. Martha says:

    With my new found time off I’ll be doing some work around the house, one project will be to add shelves and bars to Jerry’s closet. Probably wont do anything fancy, the closet is too small for much.

    For the old Escape, all the tail/brake lights were the same.

    Is Solo Hiking a real book or an ebook? It sounds interesting. I know any camping/hiking I would do would be without Jerry.

    I’m still sooo tired…and I’m eating like crazy is this normal??

  4. Howdy all, I’m in between PT post office and starting yard work. After yard work I will take a shower and then do some coding. 🙂 Still on the agenda is a stop for gas and a new brake light.

    Martha, Solo Hiking is a real book. I’ll give it to you when I finish it — along with the collection of your stuff that I still have from seven weeks ago.

    Barb, I wish riding was an option for me these days; I really miss it. I’m waiting on a check from the driver’s insurance; it’s decent though I’ll be forking out some of my own money when I get a new bike. I’ll chat with you and Allan when the buying day gets closer.

    I think I will attempt a shelf repair before a replacement. The shelf is one of those white wire type which I may be able to anchor with more wall anchors. This chore will also inspire me to cull some of the t-shirts from my collection as well.

    Off to rake…

  5. If you guessed 43 minutes for the amount of time I’d be outside working in the yard before quitting then you are today’s winner. It’s not great, but I’ll take it.

    I only wish that I’d held off eating that breakfast bar before going outside because now I have no hunger for the lunch that I really want to eat. In my defense my cup of yogurt that I ate around 6:30 this morning got me through my physical training, but not much further than that.

  6. Steve says:

    43 minutes?? You’re an animal! 🙂

    If it makes you feel any better, there was a guy at the race Sunday who crashed and then, I suppose, someone from behind ran over his bike. He said the frame and BOTH wheels were trash- $3500. The promoter gave him free entry into the next race… if he finds something to ride!

  7. $3500? Yikes! I’m getting a fair shake from the insurance company so I’ll be on a Trek again. 🙂

    I wanted to do so much more on the yard today, but I just don’t have it in me (yard work).

  8. Martha says:

    Depending on how long I’m on “vacation”, I’ll work on your yard for you at a very reasonable fee 😉

    I’m going to swing by the landscape place on Memorial and look at getting some mulch delivered next week, my flower beds look terrible.

    I’m looking forward to reading the book, thanks.

  9. Barb says:

    I need to get 4 pallets of sod & then get it installed – Martha – want to do that? (just kidding, like Allan would let me pay someone).

    $3500 seems a little low for a racer’s bike & wheels…….

    so Paulie – how soon as they supposedly giving you the settlement? OR, is the bike separate from the other expenses?

    and- 43 minutes sounds like plenty to me, I hate yardwork.

  10. Steve says:

    I cut half the big pasture and it took me an hour and a half.. fortunately, Sunday ATC and a rebroadcast of Car Talk were on, so it made the time go.

  11. The bike settlement is separate. In fact, I need to follow up with the lawyer to see how his end is going. Can I even get the other settlement before I am “healed?”

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