Back In Town And Insanely Busy

Not much time today. I have meetings and work surrounding a demo we have to have ready for a Big Wig by next Tuesday. This also won’t be a complete return to a normal ITP blog as I’m typing away on a machine which will not allow me to get to either Flickr (to get a photo) or my Dropbox account (to get my stats section) because I am currently doing an upgrade on my MacBook.

Recruiting Trip #1 Done, Get Ready For Recruiting Trip #2
I got back from Clemson in time to come into the office for a couple of hours before heading to Taco Mac to wind down with a few pints. Oh yeah, last night I found that my name plaque “Wee Lil Bit” (not enough characters to spell out my hash name completely) has made it to the Perimeter Taco Mac’s Bachelors wall. 🙂

I decided to skip yesterday’s scheduled 3.5-mile run and instead accomplish that today on what was scheduled to be a rest day. I figure the hour or so that I spend exercising this afternoon will help me avoid a little of Atlanta’s crappy rush “hour” traffic.

Business trips really interrupt the flow of my life. Friday? How the heck did it get to be Friday already? I’ve no real plans for this weekend other than getting in a 5-mile run at some point tomorrow, doing laundry one day this weekend, and perhaps running with the Black Sheep Hash on Sunday.

I am scheduled to go OTP again next week (Tuesday night to be exact) for Recruiting Trip #2, so much time this weekend will be spent getting my life in order before I leave town again.

A Funny Thing Happened While Listening To A Podcast
On my journey home from Clemson yesterday I listened to last week’s This American Life podcast. Never before have I felt that I should have been a part of their show, but the title “Slow to React” and the stories about how slowly people to take care of major issues in their lives (plumbing anyone? obvious health issues anyone?) seemed clearly targeted at me.

I Can Remember This Day Twenty-Five Years Ago As If It Were Yesterday
Twenty-five years ago today the space shuttle Challenger launched and exploded upon liftoff. I was standing in the lobby of Kangaroo Courts Racquetball Club (I was pretty decent back in the day) in Clearwater, Florida and watched launch and subsequent explosion occur on television.

The explosion of the Challenger and the collapsing of the Twin Towers will be forever etched in my mind until the day I die.

Paulie [eatl/ga]

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8 Responses to Back In Town And Insanely Busy

  1. Steve says:

    Glad you’re back (to blogging!!). I hope the trip was successful. Where to next week? I’ll be working out after work today- maybe even a run OUTSIDE!! Then will meet somes friends at the Marley for a pint.

    25 years ago, I was in the tape library at Rollins and got a call from one of my users in Houma, LA. I thought he was kidding… Heros all.


  2. Martha says:

    I was in my 11th grade social studies class…I guess it is sort of our generations Kennedy moment.

    I tried a 3 mile run this morning between the snow here in Cincy and this nasty cold I picked up it was tough. It was only the second time I’ve worked out this week. As bad as it was it still felt good to be out.

    Looking forward to returning to Atlanta on Sunday and maybe things getting back to normal.

  3. Steve says:

    Skyline Chili has medicinal properties!! I hope you feel better.

  4. Martha says:

    Yeah, right…too bad I’m still doing the gluten free thing…no Skyline for me.

  5. Super busy still, and I just accepted an “invitation” to a meeting which starts at 4pm today. I might be running in the dark tonight. Boo! Hiss!

  6. Oh wait, I was just told that meeting is on Monday at 4pm, not today. I *may* get to run in the sunlight after all!

  7. Stacy Fox says:

    Where is your OTP meeting next Tuesday? Is it up my way again and at a time we could meet for dinner or anything?

  8. Next week I fly to Raleigh, NC. I will be spending the weekend up there with ITP-Readers Lisa and Randy, hopefully watching the Packers win the Super Bowl during that time.

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