Monthly Archives: January 2011

In With A Bang, Out With A Thud

Well, after today 1/12th of 2011 will be in the books. I’ve decided that this year I will do monthly recaps in addition to my three-part year-ender. January: In With A Bang, Out With A Thud The month started on … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 12 Comments

Back In Town And Insanely Busy

Not much time today. I have meetings and work surrounding a demo we have to have ready for a Big Wig by next Tuesday. This also won’t be a complete return to a normal ITP blog as I’m typing away … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 8 Comments

I Take The Fifth

I should probably just be quiet today because I know that anything I say today can and will be held against me in the future. I spent almost the entirety of my night at Taco Mac. Yes, I know. Hey, … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 15 Comments

Game Over

Realistically I shouldn’t be sad about the Jets loss. But I am, very sad indeed. If not for the fact that I’ll be staying with great friends who also happen to be Packers fans I’d probably vow not to watch … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 7 Comments


Well, as it turned out I didn’t make it to the lavenderia last night. I joined my boss at the local Outback (gasp!) for a beverage or two, which turned into beverages and dinner, after which I headed straight home. … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 11 Comments

It’s Lavanderia Jueves

Oh yes it’s laundry night, oh, what a night. And I have three IKEA bags’ worth of laundry to process tonight. I’m assuming that I’ll be loitering about the lavanderia next to Las Tortas Locas tonight, though the desire for … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 6 Comments

Now Where Was I?

With New Year’s, Snowpocalypse ’11, and having my brother (aka ITP-Reader Ronnie) and nephew (ITP-Reader Eric) visit for the past two nights this first two-thirds of January have been quite eventful. Taco Mac — With A Twist Last night Eric … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 16 Comments

Rookie Mistakes

Wide Awake In America My brother and nephew, heretofore known as ITP-Readers Ronnie (though the rest of the world calls him Bill) and Eric arrived safely last night. Some food was consumed and a bottle of wine was opened, and … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 9 Comments

Happy MLK Day

One would expect that every business in hometown of Martin Luther King, Jr. would be closed for celebration. One would be very wrong! In fact, I’ve not had MLK Day off as a paid holiday since I moved to Atlanta … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 9 Comments

What A Long Strange Week It’s Been

As weeks go this one doesn’t get much stranger for me. Sure it’s been trying at times and I’ve been reminded of some things to which I need to attend, but all and all it’s been a positive experience. Oh … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 5 Comments