Monthly Archives: July 2010

Wrapping Up The Week With Some Serious Argy Bargy

After gnashing my teeth to weave through heavy afternoon traffic to get to meet up with Cockpit to reccy last night the evening turned out to be a success. We’ve successfully wrapped up with our reccying and now just have … Continue reading

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Look Who Went To George’s Last Night

Me. That’s right, I was in attendance at George’s Bar last evening. It was good to see many of my friends (read “hashers”) there, though the scene has changed somewhat. Prior to sitting at the bar I purchased items from … Continue reading

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Plans (Not Elbows) Are Meant To Be Broken

With only a 20% chance of rain predicted today’s plan was to cycle to work. That plan was destroyed when I pulled into my driveway and remembered that I left the key which opens the lock securing my bike to … Continue reading

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Remove That Which Depresses Me

If you’ve read this space for any length of time then you know that I battle depression occasionally. Last night I decided that I need to start removing that which depresses me from my life. Makes sense, no? The first … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 27 Comments

It’s A “World Cup Free” World Again

Not being a fan of the “World’s Most Popular Sport” I’m pleased to know that I won’t have to hear much about the World Cup for the next four years. And low marks to Fritti who kept all flags flying … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 17 Comments

Boy Do I Need A Break

GO! GO! GO! That’s how I feel my life has been lately. I have to make it through July 18th and after which may shut myself down for awhile to attempt to recuperate. I Don’t Know What Was After Me … Continue reading

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Summer Of Stress

As if I needed something else to stress me out, last night I received a text message from my co-hare telling me that her work is sending her to Europe and she’ll be unable to lay trail with me on … Continue reading

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Desperately Seeking Clarity

(alternative title – “Today is not my day”) Whew, my life is a mess… I Was Duped! After a delicious Las Tortas Locas lunch yesterday I went into an Asian market to pick up one or two “different” things to … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 16 Comments

Back At It

July 6. Back in the office. Suches Life Yesterday I had one momentary lapse of reasoning which convinced me that it would be a good day to ride Three Gap with ITP-Reader Bob and his friends. We met up at … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 15 Comments

Oh, Hello There

I’m on a paid holiday today, but if you’re not here’s short blog to tide you over until tomorrow. The $200+ Bike Ride Sometimes I wonder about my sense of reasoning. I woke up an did what was almost an … Continue reading

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