Monthly Archives: July 2010

You Know It’s Hot When…

…after an hour of cycling your shorts feel like a swimsuit when you take them off. Holy crap was I ever a sweating machine out there this morning! My knees seemed fairly agreeable today, I’ll have to see what their … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 24 Comments

Well That Wasn’t So Bad

I really thought that my plan to ride my bike home and then back in to work this morning was going to be wrecked by yesterday’s rain. Thankfully the rain subsided and I was able to pull off my riding … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 11 Comments

An Hour Is Better Than Nothing I Hope

I’m keeping my fingers crossed for non-thunderstorm weather this afternoon because I’m trying something a little different today. This morning I drove the Red Rocket into work with the plan to ride it home tonight and then ride it back … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 12 Comments

The Fugly Truth

Weighing #1: 205.6 pounds Weighing #2: 205.4 pounds So basically with all of my efforts to lose weight I’ve actually managed to put on weight. Fuck. Me. And please don’t feed me that “You know muscle weighs more than fat.” … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 6 Comments

Le Tour Est Fin

I’m still debating whether or not I’ll watch the recording of yesterday’s Tour de France finale. I have no good explanation, but I’m not much of an Alberto Contador fan. World Wide Photomelt I was supposed to meet my Flickr … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 15 Comments

Where’s My Wisdom?

With age comes wisdom, right? Where’s mine? If I had been blessed with wisdom I wouldn’t feel as groggy as I do right now. No Plans To Eat At Home, Why Did I Buy So Much Bread? Because of my … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 18 Comments

Growing Old, Not Growing Up

Forty-five? Yikes. How the hell did that happen? Oh great, I’m now in the target demographic for the low testosterone commercials that have been shown on the television all through the Tour de France. I’ve already had two birthday surprises … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 29 Comments

They Rest In France, I Ride In Georgia

The riders of the Tour de France may be kissing babies and eating soft cheeses today in France, but I took the promise of only a slight chance for rain and the decision to put off doing laundry until another … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 9 Comments


Although I don’t eat at Moe’s all that often I’m glad that when I do they no longer seem to shout at me as soon as I enter the building. Given that I’ve been eating much better Mexican food of … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 10 Comments

Weekend (Holy Taco) Warrior

This was a busy, busy, weekend. Who Attends A PBR Gathering And Drinks No PBRs? On Friday night I attended a PBR Night at my friend Gary’s house. Not being much of a PBR drinker I brought a canned six-pack … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 23 Comments