Monthly Archives: April 2010


Or at least I hope there is one in stock for me to purchase. Not since I purchased my iPhone have I been this excited over spending money on a gadget. I’ve specifically avoided playing with the WiFi version which … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 13 Comments

I Try Not To Be A Loser

The word “loser” has many connotations. For some uses (weight) I aspire to be a “loser,” while for others (Life) notsomuch. I am usually not a “thing loser,” so the other day when I could not (nor have I yet) … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 4 Comments

For A Second I Thought I’d Misread The Calendar

It was a brisk 45º F in the heart of East Atlanta this morning — on April 28th! I realize that this morning temperature was an anomaly for these parts this late in the Spring, but it felt really strange … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 5 Comments

The Return Of Laundry And Lee’s Bakery

The Jackmobile is loaded with dirty laundry anticipating tonight’s drive down Buford Highway for laundry and Lee’s Bakery night. Mmmmm, Banh Mi…. I’ve Been Framed Well, more accurately sent for printing so that I may be matted. Last night’s major … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 6 Comments

Chucks To Be Me

My new Chucks are on their maiden voyage today. Perhaps a photo tomorrow. A Good Day To Be A Quitter Yesterday’s Black Sheep Hash was intended to be tricky. Tricky it was. In fact, it was so tricky that by … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 8 Comments

Will I Have A Vegetarian Day In April?

Next week marks the end of April (and the availability of the iPad 3G!) and I’ve yet to go a day without eating meat. It’s been some time since I’ve gone an entire month without a single vegetarian day. Perhaps … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 7 Comments

Sleep Is My Enemy

Most people complain that they do not get enough sleep. I’m complaining that I get too much. As I finally settled down at 9:30pm to read about iPhone development I quickly became so tired that I couldn’t make it past … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 10 Comments

Next Friday Seems So Far Away

Apple has announced that iPad 3G models will be available in stores on Friday, April 30th. I’m still eying the 64GB model (even with its whopping $829 price tag and not being able to get an employee discount like I … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 9 Comments

How Dry They Are?

Here’s what Wikipedia has to say about dry counties: Georgia Georgia prohibits the sale of alcohol on Sundays at retail locations, and has limits on the sale of alcohol at bars/restaurants. Brooks County prohibits the sale of alcohol except beer … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 5 Comments

A Weekend Of Roadblocks And Breakthroughs

I had an interesting weekend in Nashville, Tennessee. I Paid More For Parking This Weekend Then I Care To Admit I spent a grand total of $30 dollars to park my car this weekend. Friday : free parking (street parking … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 7 Comments