One Boring Night

After the hectic schedule that I posted yesterday I spent the night home alone. And that’s exactly what I wanted…

RealiTV Update : Hell’s Kitchen Starts At 8pm EDT? Who Knew?
I was lazying around the house when I read a tweet about what was happening on Hell’s Kitchen. This happened at about 8:15pm EDT, mostly because I was under the mistaken impression that Hell’s Kitchen started at 9pm as is used to. With the weather completely nasty I assumed that my satellite dish (which has less-than-stellar satellite signal) would be going in an out, so I chose to go to Ye Olde Television which is connected to Ye Newe Digital-To-Analog converter which worked like a charm.

While surfing the internet I “watched” the last forty-five minutes. This morning I came in to work and caught the first fifteen minutes which were recorded at the DVR on my desk.

This season of Hell’s Kitchen has already reached Jerry Springeresque proportions. Some dickhead (I’ll assume actor hired to play a dickhead) has already challenged Ramsay to a fist fight, resulting his early departure. Then another guy was immediately booted from the show.

As with every previous season the cooks can’t seem to get it together and produce food. About the only thing strange about this episode was that no one else was booted because of the guy who virtually eliminated himself.

ITP Flickr Pic
“Lottery winners are always from podunk towns.” I thought as I stopped in Adairsville for gas at the QT. I also had a hankering for a cold drink so I conjured the odd plan of getting four lottery tickets and a drink.

Having no “system” nor “lucky numbers” (Damn, I should have scrounged around for some fortune cookie fortunes in my car!) I decided to get three Quick Pics and then one containing pseudo-random choices.

Later in the day I checked the numbers purchased and hung my head in disgust.
There Was Little Hope Of Winning
WTF? Three tickets with seven, and two of those with six??? I there had been any hope that I’d win that hope was immediately dashed.

Oh, and there’s no need to lecture me about statistics and randomness, or the evils of lottery playing. I understand them all and still decided to play for the heck of it.

Trivial Thinking
If all goes to plan tonight I’ll be joining up with some old friends who used to be regular members of the Meet The Hashers trivia team. A few years back a faction occurred and they started playing on Wednesday nights at F.R.O.G.S. Cantina in midtown. Back in the day when I used to go to George’s on Wednesdays this posed a problem. Now that it’s no longer a problem I’m finally going to make the time to see them.

Stats & Goals
Current Mood – nervous
Current Music – listening to this week’s “Mac Geek Gab” podcast
Website Of The Day – I’m no longer an Atlanta runner, but if you are you might have interest in The Stride.
Mode Of Transportation To Work – my car
Exercise (b)Log – nothing
Morning Weigh-In – 201 pounds

Foot Mileage – ~6 miles, Wheel Mileage – 0 miles
Consecutive Days Of Bed-Making (Longest Streak) – 3 (19)
Vegetarian Days – 2, Carnivorous Days – 27
Marta Rides – 0

July Goals
– Regain interest in my life
– Not get fired from my job
– Plan and lay a successful Black Sheep hash on July 19th

2009 Goals
– Reduce my weight to 190 pounds (today’s weight was 199.5 pounds)
– Completely read the book 1001 Paintings You Must See Before You Die
РEarn at least $150 through photography sales in order to cover the cost for the renewal of the Jalape̱o Beach SmugMug account I opened the other day.
– Save $500 for the sole purpose of donating to charitable organizations of my choice
– Attend at least one professional photography workshop

The Unmeasurable
– Continue backing up all data, including the off-site storage
– Become a proficient programmer in Objective-C (iPhone development) and Ruby on Rails (Black Sheep web page concept)
– Do not create a solution for something which is not a problem

Paulie [eatl/ga]

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31 Responses to One Boring Night

  1. Steve says:

    I have to say one of the disadvantages of living in the country is not being able to make it in to play trivia. I need to figure out when you are going to Raging Burrito that coincides with my Friday off and come join you. While I never added much, I always had fun.

    Who is playing tonight?


  2. Paulie [eatl/ga] says:

    Tonight is Kathryn [Weiner Slutzle — *I think?*], Chris [Hired Hand], and Bill [NFHN] (as well as others I suppose).

    I’ll let you know when we decide to play at Raging Burrito. If it works for your schedule we’d love to have you join us.

    Oh, and I’ve started following the Dick Lane Velodrome’s Twitter account (@dicklanevelo). They also answered my query regarding the lack of Saturday activities at the velodrome.

  3. Barb says:

    Steve – I know Michelle & Drew play in East Point I think on thursdays, that is a little closer to you.
    I miss playing trivia as well, but midtown or OTP Cobb County would be about the only choices for me during the week. I don’t contribute much, but Allan is a font of useless knowledge.

    Martha & I are going to have an exciting evening tonight and go get a pedicure…. and maybe some pizza if she found someone to check on on Nibbles. Oh, I just remembered I forgot to pack the wine glasses, pedicures go much better when drinking wine. I guess I’ll run home for lunch today.

  4. Paulie [eatl/ga] says:

    Well, that figures….

    I just heard from Chris [Hired Hand] that he received an email from FROGS this morning stating that they’ve canceled trivia at their bar. Figures, I finally make time to play trivia there and they no longer offer it.

  5. Martha says:

    I could make it down to East Point for trivia if anyone wants to try that, I think there are a few spots in EAV as well. Not sure what type of player Jerry would be but my guess is, sports would be his strength. I miss playing but its so hard for me to find the time. It seems like I either have an evening workout or early morning run.

    Barb, Andy is going to take care of the Nibbler, I just sent him a reminder email.

    Paulie, now your evening is free to run at George’s.

  6. > Paulie, now your evening is free to run at George’s.

    Um, no. 😛

    Actually I still plan to meet (some) of them for dinner even though there is no trivia.

  7. Barb says:

    or, Paulie you could join us for pedicures? (Allan won’t do it, but I hope someday I’ll convince him…… well, maybe)

  8. Martha says:

    Paulie, I will never give up on you 😉

    Next time, I will bring Jerry, if anyone need a pedi, it’s Jerry. It will be much easier to talk him into a pedi than camping.

  9. I’ve already checked “Get Pedicure” off from my “Things To Do Before I Die” Bucket List.

    Speaking of Bucket Lists…. check this space tomorrow…

  10. bob says:

    Barb, I would love to see the woman who attempts to give Allan a pedicure! LOL! That would be funny.

    Bucket lists….good stuff. I’m checking 2 things off this year.

  11. I think it would be easier to steal a salmon from a hungry bear than get Allan to get a pedicure.

    What are you checking off your list Bob?

  12. Barb says:

    Allan thinks the little Vietnamese ladies would laugh & charge him extra for his big feet.

    I just saw that Bucket List movie a few weeks ago….. I need a super rich friend so I can do all those cool things too.

  13. bob says:

    I’m hoping to survive the 6 gap century and I’m racing an entire enduro season with the goal of a top 3 overall finish.

    First race is in 3 weeks!

  14. Steve says:

    I’m a font of useless information, they just never ask questions in my category.
    “Alex, I’ll take 1970’s Atlanta trivia for 200”

    EP might work for a trivia night… certainly closer than Decatur.

    Debbie doesn’t like my toes out in public, so no pedi here.

    Hmmm bucket list.. might have to work on that some.


  15. Martha says:

    I completed my first marathon and (will) my first tri by 40. With any luck, I’ll qualify for Boston this year as well. I’m not sure what is next. Jerry keeps talking about an Ironman (for me, not him), I think I need to complete a century first. He wants to do a trail marathon now (Leadville).

    To be honest, I’ve already accomplished more then I ever thought I could.

  16. Just keep in mind that there is more to life than athletic goals.

    For instance, I’ll give you all a sneak preview of one of the items that will be on tomorrow’s (constantly evolving) list:

    – Sleep at least one night in all fifty states and Washington DC before I die.

  17. Barb says:

    Martha – has Jerry ever run at high altitude? Just going up stairs can suck…..
    Leadville is a hell of a goal. Allan says he wants to do the Leadville 100 mtn bike race someday, but I think he is crazy.

    Bob – is the enduro racing anything like that race Jesse James did a week or two ago on his show? If it is, you are CRAZY. How many miles are your races?

  18. bob says:

    Oh man, I missed that show! Was he racing through tight woods? If yes than that is what I am doing. Sometimes the trail is only 30 inches wide and I go through there at 25MPH. I love it! The mileage varies from 50 to 80 miles and we do 10 to 15 mile sections at a time.

  19. I’m sure I’m the only one who hopes that Trick doesn’t read your description. 🙂

  20. bob says:

    Yeah, she doesn’t like me to talk about my crashes and close calls, and there are many. 🙂

  21. Barb says:

    Bob – Jesse’s race was 100 miles in the desert, but he crashed bad while “training” so he only made it 57 before quiting. Find it online – it looked insane. I saw Sandra Bullock on Letterman & she said she doesn’t want to know anything about what he does on that show until each episode is done filming, and she gets a call saying all is well.

  22. Barb says:

    NEW SUBJECT – just saw that the house next door on the corner has a for sale sign. Anyone want to move OTP & be our neighbor? Huge lot – 2.8 acres, it isn’t listed on line yet, but I’ll guess unless the inside sucks that it will be $250,000-$300,000.

  23. Steve says:

    “Huge lot – 2.8 acres”. That’s cute. I can put that in the little pasture.



  24. bob says:

    I just watched the Jesse James episode online, that was cool! I want to do that race! My enduros are just like that except through the woods.

  25. Michelle says:

    Drew and I play trivia at Oz on Thursday nights at 7:30p. House cash of $50 for 1st place, $20 for 2nd. P-Pilot and Urine Development are also regulars. Most of the time we manage to win enough house cash to cover our pitchers of beer for the following week. Also, Aaron is the emcee for trivia there.

  26. Paulie [eatl/ga] says:

    And for those that don’t know, “Aaron = Yassir Creamer”

  27. Martha says:

    Thursdays might just work for me…Friday is my ‘rest’ day.

    Steve, my .24 acre lot is more than I can handle…you all can keep the bigger yards.

    Barb, Jerry has not run at altitude, my first question to him was ‘how are you going to train for that’. I was told today that taking a Viagra or Cialis will help, great just what he needs.

  28. Barb says:

    Steve – 2.8 acres is huge to most everyone BESIDES you and Debbie. And – don’t give me too much crap, you won’t get any Skyline with that bike stand whenever I get around to getting it from TJ for you.
    And- you’ll appreciate this- TJ was FORCED to go to BMX Worlds in Australia last week, he just can’t say no to the head of USA Cycling. Mary was pissed…..

  29. martha says:

    Steve, my .24 acres is more than I can handle…you all can keep those big yards. Unless Paulie gets his pet goat and lets me borrow it.

    Barb, Jerry has not raced at altitude, my first question was “how are you going to train for that?” I was told today a secret is to take Viagra or Cilas for the race, great just what he needs.

    Thursdays could work for me, if I can get my track workout in early enough. Friday is a ‘rest day’ so I can sleep in a bit. Maybe next week?

  30. Steve says:

    I watched the final heat of the race where the American kid won. I still don’t really consider that bike racing. Now it’s an Olympic sport, so I suppose it is. And they took out events on the velodrome to make room for this!?! Don’t get me started…


  31. bob says:

    I agree with you Steve, BMX belongs in the X-Games, not the Olympics. It is racing though, just different.

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