Okay, half of the work week is over, and I’ve attended my final career fair for the year. Now is the time for things to start looking up.
Why Has Target Become My Nemesis?
When I went Target the other day to purchase a replacement French Press they were out of the one that I wanted. When I went to stop at a different Target on my way back to the office from the career fair, I found out that the Johnson Ferry Target in Sandy Springs had moved! Dangen! It was a that point that I vaguely remembered seeing major construction on Roswell Road just ITP and thinking that they were going to move the Target there.
A new French Press has been ordered from Amazon and could be here tomorrow, but probably arrive Monday. No, I didn’t buy the MacDaddy one from Frieling, instead I purchased the insulated one from Nissan.
And Why Is A “Cup” Not A “Cup?”
While shopping for the French Press I kept seeing references to models that where “8 Cups.” only to find out that they held 32-34 ounces of liquid. WTF? Do I not correctly remember that a Cup of liquid is 8 ounces? If that is true shouldn’t a 8 Cup French Press hold 64 ounces? When did a cup of coffee get defined to be only 4 ounces? I’m so confused.
Have A Mac Return, Get A Shuffle
Round and round I went yesterday trying to get Apple to agree to take back the faulty Macbook. I talked to a lot of people who were more than happy to be helping me, but unfortunately I talked to a lot of people. Finally I talked to a person who could get the job done. As an added bonus, this person was also able to offer me a free 2GB iPod Shuffle as an apologetic gift. Yeah, Apple knows the power of my blog, especially since I’m a shareholder as well.
The Accidental Carnivore
Watch out! Sweet Tomatoes is culinary minefield. I went to Sweet Tomatoes last night to have a “healthy, vegetarian” meal. I think I had neither. At some point in the eating I tasted the delicious taste and texture of chicken and realized that all of the salad offerings were not vegetarian. Ooops. The healthy aspect was ruined by me as I ate a little too much of everything…. In my defense I only drank water and skipped dessert.
ITP Flickr Pic
Hmmm, I’m down to my last good shot from last weekend’s shooting.
I guess that it’s time to get out and shoot again.
I’m (Not Yet) A Georgia Voter
The plan was to wake up early and make it an early voting place before a line could form. That was a great plan until I slept later than expected. Dangen! I’m thinking that Friday morning will not be a good time to get out and vote early, so it looks like I’ll be voting with the masses on Election Day next Tuesday. I suppose that I should load up the iPod with enough content to keep me entertained while I wait in line.
Delta + Northwest = Delwest?
It’s official, Delta and Northwest have merged. Now please lower your prices and stay in business. That is all.
And now for some ideas stolen from LiveJournal…
Current Mood – better, still many things to conquer, but better nonetheless
Current Music – listen to last week’s “The Splendid Table” podcast. It’s sounding very familiar, I wonder if it’s a repeat.
Website Of The Day – I love bacon. I love mayonnaise. Why wouldn’t I love Baconnaise too? Surprisingly, it’s also vegetarian! I can’t wait to find it in the store.
Exercise (b)Log – nothing, perhaps I’m tapering for Mystery Mountain?
Monthly Foot Mileage – 37.5 miles
Monthly Wheel Mileage – 0 miles
Mode Of Transportation To Work – my car
Monthly Marta Rides – 0
Consecutive Days Of Bed-Making (Longest Streak) – 44 (110)
Books To Read To Earn Kindle – 4
Vegetarian Days – 18
Carnivore Days – 11
October Goals
1) Lose no fewer than three pounds
2) Drink nothing but water, coffee, beer, wine
3) Run no fewer than 75 miles
4) Bike no fewer than 125 miles
Paulie [eatl/ga]
I think it’s those evil marketing geniuses. If a cup becomes 4 oz. then they can say that “two cups of caffiene a day is not bad for you!” — fully knowing that most people’s normal cup holds twice the amount they mean.
Same thing with them stupid Pepsi folks who say that Pepsi One is one calorie per serving but the 12oz. can is 1-1/2 servings. Whaaaaaaa? Who counts a can of soda as more than one servin? (can you tell I just learned this this week?)
Yup, it’s the evil geniuses, it is.
And YAY for Apple for steppin’ up! I know you probably don’t need that Shuffle (I mean, seriously, is there a Mac product you don’t own yet?)
but dude, that could mean one Christmas present already bought! WOO HOO! You can send it to me at 102 Suwanee Lane….
Delwest or Norta? Hard choices. I’m just glad Atlanta will be the base of operations.
You’ll use that Shuffle- great for running, you never know it’s there until you snag the headphone on something and it comes ripping out of your ear at high speed!
Hang in there Tigger.
@Steve, I’ve already performed that feat with the Shuffle I currently own. For my new freebie I got the red one, which will go nicely with the green one I currently own come this Christmas season. Oh the photography ideas are already sprouting…
@Stacy, I am an Apple whore. However, now that I am also a stockholder I don’t consider it to be a bad thing.
I also ordered a french press from Amazon (should be here tomorrow). I bought a small, unbreakable (we will see) one that I can take camping and/or bring to the office. It is only 3 cups (12 oz) so I guess I’ll be making a new pot as I’m drinking the previous one.
Speaking of camping are you going to join us Saturday night? I’m not sure what the plan is but my guess is it will involve the 3Ds – dinner, drinking and dominos.
I like my shuffle but I never wear it running or biking, I bought it so I could listen to music at work.
The *original* plan for this weekend was to go up and “find myself” on Friday night, which for me involves photography. However, I can’t sneak out from work early as I thought I might, and I’ve been given a happy hour invite involving a free beer so I’ll be sticking around later for that. I *may* assess making it up to Chatsworth before they close their gates. If not, I’ll head up early Saturday morning. I have a tent site reserved for Friday and Saturday nights. Does anyone know if I default on my reservation if I don’t check in on Friday? Can I call the state park and confirm?
I think, I don’t know, but if you get there early enough on Saturday morning, they wouldn’t have given away your site yet (if that is what they were going to do). They have to save it Friday night, in case you come in really late.
I could use a free shuffle too…….
I would think you would be okay but it wouldn’t hurt to just call and find out.
According to the website the park gates close at 10pm. This could get interesting….
Captain Proactive has called and made sure that his campsite reservation will not be canceled. Yay me!
Okay, found this by accident while reseaching my date location tonight…
I’m not really sure how I feel about this…
What is this thing called “date” to which you refer?
Date: a waste of a few hours of my night on a man I will find totally unsuitable.
For this one I get the added bonus of driving to Buckhead.
Try drinking wine. That might make the night go better.
hey – I did buy some bacon salt – not bad at all.
Martha – keep an open mind, and if nothing else, you got a free meal & a few drinks. He might not be so bad.
Try drinking wine.
It works for you guys
If nothing else we get better stories if you drink wine.
Delworst has my vote.