Hopefully Soon There Will Be A Little Less Sweat In My Equity

I am working from home today and most likely tomorrow, allowing access to the house for the air conditioning guy. In preparation for today my buddy, and ITP Reader, Gentri and I bushwhacked the heck out my back yard attempting to create a clear path for the air conditioner’s installation. For a few hours we chopped privet and dragged it to the curb. By the end of the work we were both incredibly nasty and sweaty. I would have been nice to have an air-conditioned house to enter afterward…

Read Along With Me
Today’s passage from Notes To Myself.

If a man takes off his sunglasses I can hear him better.

To all who have helped me — Thanks.

Crime: Bringing Neighbors Together Since The Beginning Of Time
When I moved in to East Atlanta in 1999 it was known as a “transitional” neighborhood. Even with my car jacking in 2004 I considered the neighborhood to be transitioning in the right direction. With the decline of the economy over the past few years the transition transitioned in the wrong direction. Recently I’ve read far too many accounts of people in the neighborhood having their cars and houses broken into.

On Sunday night my across-the-street neighbor parked his truck on the street and was rewarded by some asshat smashing in one of its windows in an attempt to either steal some of its contents or the truck itself.

While doing yard work yesterday I met the latest neighbor in the neighborhood and contact the truck owner via email.

I’ve always said that I wanted to know my neighbors, I just didn’t want crime to be the thing that brought is together.

I Must Be Mad And Will Definitely Will Be Soon
Around the virtual watercooler many people have been singing the praises of the tv series Mad Men.

With Season 2 of Mad Men starting a couple of weeks ago I decided that I would give the series a whirl so I started recording it on my DVR. However, before launching into Season 2 I wanted to see Season 1 so off to Netflix I went to add the series to my queue. I didn’t realize just how popular an act this would be and was bummed to see “Long Wait” next to the first disc of the series.

I had other options… Plan “B” was to use my fancy-pants AppleTV to pay for Season 1 and download it. Early Last night I purchased Season 1 through iTunes. Up until a few minutes ago (8:00am) it was still downloading episodes…. and then encountered an error. Dangen!

Regardless, I will start watching the episodes that I have downloaded once work is done for the day.

ITP Flickr Pics
Some days I feel like I am washed up.
Washed Up
I wanted to believe that this buoy represented symbolism and that on it was the word “lost”, it was neither.

Moving Up To 2.0
I’ve been a user of Adobe’s Lightroom since it was released as a 1.0 version. Last week Adobe released version 2.0 of the application and I’ve made the decision to fork over the $99 upgrade cost and make the transition as well.

Since I An In Town, This Might Be An Elliott Street Pub Night
Tonight is the semi-monthly meeting of the Atlanta Photographers Guild at Elliott Street Pub and since it appears that I will not have to contend with a Perimeter Mall –> Castleberry Hill commute I just might be in attendance.

And now for some ideas stolen from LiveJournal…
Current Mood – anticipating sub-80 degree weather in the house sometime soon
Current Music – listening to the MacBreak Weekly podcast
Website Of The Day – I admit it, I’ve become an AppleTV junkie AppleTV Junkie is a great blog for people like me.
Exercise (b)Log – nothing “official” but yard work was plenty of exercise
Monthly Foot Mileage – 0 miles
Monthly Wheel Mileage – 50 miles
Mode Of Transportation To Work – My car (perhaps)
Monthly Marta Rides – 0
Consecutive Days Of Bed-Making (Longest Streak) – 13 (110)
Books To Read To Earn Kindle – 4

August Goals
1) Run/Walk no fewer than 75 miles
2) Ride no fewer than 150 road miles
3) Ride Marta no fewer than ten times (five round-trips)
4) Read at least two books
5) Make my bed every day

Paulie [eatl/ga]

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17 Responses to Hopefully Soon There Will Be A Little Less Sweat In My Equity

  1. Stacy says:

    I whole-heartedly understand and agree with the “Notes to Myself” section today. It’s why I hate sunglasses.

  2. Me too. It drives me crazy when people don’t take their sunglasses off for photos as well.

  3. ARGH!

    A/C guy just tried to talk me into buying a new furnace too. May be a prudent thing to do, but I just can’t agree to replace a good, working heater. I’m more than a little tired of sinking money into the house right now.

  4. Barb says:

    How old is the furnace? how much cheaper is it to do it now? (how much labor is involved, that may be covered by the labor for the AC install?)
    It does suck to have to spend the money, but my friends that just moved had to replace the furnace as part of the sale (it worked just fine), so if you plan to sell anytime in the next few years, it might be worth it to do it now.

  5. Andrew says:

    Mad Men is a great show, but it might not dawn on you just how good it is until the 3rd or 4th episode. I’m also watching series 1 on dvd. I watched the pilot when it was originally broadcast, but never sat down to watch the second and eventually it fell off my radar. I don’t believe A&E on DirecTV is broadcasting Mad Men in HD, so dvd is about as good as it gets.

  6. Barb says:

    and Mad Men is a very cool show, I haven’t watched it consistently, but I really like it. I was thinking about getting it from Netflix next, we are still watching the last season of Weeds right now. Another very funny show.

  7. If the furnace replacement had been discussed prior to today’s installation of the a/c I would have considered it. If I had agreed to have it replaced now, he’d have to halt all work and get a new plenum for the a/c coil he is installing. Penny wise pound foolish? Perhaps, but it’s a gamble I am willing to take at this time.

  8. Martha says:

    I agree completly about the 3 day max with family rule. I adore my neices (I can’t believe the mop top of red, curly hair on the little one!)…but if anyone asks me ‘why?’ one more time, in the next week, I may just lose it.

    It’s good to be back, I’ll be here for almost two weeks this time. Then off to Puerto Rico, finally a trip I’m looking forward to going on.

    Wow, you did yard work and getting AC??? I don’t know who you are anymore, 😉

  9. Well, the yard work was a necessity for the a/c work otherwise it would have taken me another nine years to get out there.

    Wait until I return from my Colorado trip at the end of the month and become Paulie who must budget his money, then you really won’t know who I am… 😉

    This just in… sadly I am getting just as little work done from home as I would in the office.

  10. Gentri says:

    You were a slave driver…. withholding water from both myself and Andy until I got the chainsaw started again…… that’s the last time I do that kind of work in 95 degree heat for a while… even the beer afterwards didn’t totally fix things.

    That sucks about the new unit… I thought you were getting everything replaced…. do I want to know how much that adds $$$ wise for the heater unit????? $1500?

  11. I don’t know how much the furnace would cost. I sort of wish I had gotten everything replaced now, but that never dawned on me at first.

  12. Barb says:

    I can’t believe the A/C guy didn’t try to sell you the whole deal from the very beginning. I remember when we had to replace the A/C in Roswell, they sold us all getting everything replaced, practically didn’t give us the option of just the A/C, if you know what I mean.

  13. Knowing what I know now I am as surprised as you. He’s still here working, and will probably by back tomorrow.

    I’ve attempted to get work done today but have failed.

    In good news… we dug around where the yellow jackets were, knowing that they were most likely gone. They are, and we were able to dig their honeycomb(?) out of the ground.

    And just after I typed this, he left for the day.

  14. Martha says:

    I sort of remember the AC guy trying to talk me into a new furnance…at the time I didn’t really think I would still be in this houseover six years later, wishing I had got the whole thing done at once. I understand though, not wanting to make the decision on the spot, not having the chance to think about it and being so close to FINALLY having AC again.

    I’ve gotten a lot done today ‘working from home’ too bad nothing related to work (actually I have a little unoffical ‘comp time’ from my Alaska trip, so I’m relaxing and recovering from my trip home)

  15. And sadly this does not mean that I currently have a/c. He will be returning tomorrow.

  16. Stacy says:

    In completely unrelated news, did you see that Dawgs got the Kiss of Death today? That’s right — the SI cover!! WOO!

  17. Hehe. I wish them all the best of luck, which is to say that I wish that they lose all of their games. 🙂

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