No Sun, No Fun

Who would have guessed that I would see more sun on my trip to Seattle than I have on my two trips to Florida? No me, that’s for sure. Yesterday morning I waited in the light drizzle in hopes that the sun would burst through the clouds and provide me with a spectacular scene. At twenty minutes after seven, approximately ten minutes after the projected time of sunrise, my hopes were dashed and I left.

ITP Flickr Pic
See for yourself.

This Is Not Exactly "Chamber Of Commerce" Weather

This was yesterday’s “sunrise”. Unfortunately for me even if today’s weather is going to be gorgeous my schedule doesn’t permit morning camera time. This will be my lasting image of my trip to Boca Raton.

You Can Call Me Farmer Paulie
On this trip is has been “Early to bed. Early to rise.” I used to be a night owl, but for some reason no matter what time I get back to my hotel room and lie down on the bed I fall asleep nearly immediately. Perhaps it’s my unfamiliarity with the city, perhaps it’s because of the weather, perhaps it’s just because. No matter what the reason, it sure does make for a boring trip.

Senuti : Nearly A Perfect iTunes Player For The Mac
In order to make the iPod the perfect music pirating tool they have made it verboten to play your iPod music through another computer when it is attached via USB or FireWire. However, clever chaps (and chapesses?) have written software that will mimic iTunes and let you access your iPod’s library.

One such application is Senuti (Confused about the name? It’s iTunes spelled backward). I have used Senuti with much success for some time and until last night deemed it the perfect faux iTunes for accessing my iPod music and podcasts. Last night I fell asleep midway through listening to one of my podcasts and when I woke up I wanted to listen to the portion that I had missed. Unfortunately Senuti offers no way for the user to move within a given audio file. The Fast Forward (>>) and Rewind (<<) move between tracks and not within the track playing. This missing feature is rather important when the track in question is over an hour long and I know that I heard at least thirty minutes before falling asleep and don't wish to hear the first thirty minutes again. Too bad. And now for some ideas stolen from LiveJournal... Current Mood – bummed (personally), confused (professionally)
Current Music – none
Website Of The Day – This trip has me thinking of home… and beer. Therefore it’s natural for me to pick Atlanta Beer today.
Exercise (b)Log – nothing
Monthly Mileage – 12 miles
Mode Of Transportation To Work – Nothing

September Goals
1) Get my first Ruby / Ruby on Rails program written
2) Lose 5 pounds (if at first, second, third, fourth, you don’t succeed….)
3) Take now fewer than three photos a day
4) Listen to (and review) one CD a day in September

Paulie [eatl/ga]

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One Response to No Sun, No Fun

  1. Stacy says:

    The “early to bed, early to rise” lifestyle does not necessarily have to be boring!You just need to do more in the mornings! 🙂

    Although, yeah. Most everyone else is still asleep when you’re awake and awake when you’re asleep then. That does get in the way of some things. Thank God for the weekends when we can reverse our patterns.

    I’m going to make a bold statement here and promise you sunshine for next weekend! Yup. Lots and lots of sunshine.

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