Monthly Archives: June 2007

And I Quote “And Now For Something Completely Different!”

Rain has fallen and there will be no whining like yesterday’s steaming pile of dung. Today it cannot rain on people’s parade, but it can rain on those standing in line to purchase an iPhone. I sure hope them iPhones … Continue reading

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D_PR_SS_D — “I’d Like To Solve The Puzzle Please, Pat”

The Big “D” is not just in Texas these days. Let’s see how I am doing on The Quiz – sad? Check – tired often? Check – shows little interest in activities that were once enjoyed? Check – spends a … Continue reading

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One Half-Step Closer To Godliness

If cleanliness is close to godliness then I am now one half-step closer. Learning from the Bush Administration I have decided to name this initiative. So, in my house you will either see an active “War On Dust Bunnies” or … Continue reading

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After spending a twelve-hour day doing repairs and an install yesterday I have regained respect for those who do that job. The thought of waking up today and doing it all again gave me the heebie-jeebies this morning. Did I … Continue reading

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Somedays Blogging Is Like Crockpot Cooking

This blog entry was prepared on Sunday evening. Welcome to non-interactive Monday. Today I will be out and about all day riding with an installer, so I will very limited phone access and virtually no internet access. While I don’t … Continue reading

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A Different Line Of Attack

Since I slept through the window of opportunity to “Get in early. Get out early.” and I can’t afford to take a day off from work today, I have decided to hang around the house and show up late. I … Continue reading

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Don’t Hate Me For Liking The Polyphonic Spree

This post was originally going to be titled “I Think That I Have Achieved A State Of Permanent Anger” because my day and drive home were filled with venom toward those around me. And then after ripping and listening to … Continue reading

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Expect Days Of Sunshine

Remember a long time ago I blogged about how badly my windshield wipers performed? Well, with Drought ’07 strangling Atlanta there seemed little reason to replace them. That was until last night when I could barely see through the windshield … Continue reading

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Putting The Usual In Casual

Flip-flops have made their return. I’m not exactly a “flip-flop” guy, but when the weather calls for it I have no other recourse. Thankfully, I work in an environment that allows such fashion statements. Three Body Parts Of Which I … Continue reading

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I Do This To Myself

Until yesterday the title of today’s post was going to be “I Can’t Even Decide If I Am Indecisive.” Friday night I waffled on my plans and didn’t go to see what was probably a great show at Masquerade. Saturday … Continue reading

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