I’m A Winner!

No, I didn’t order some product to make my penis thirteen inches long…. Yesterday I won a $25 Target gift card from the Perimeter Transportation Coalition. Woo Hoo!

Two Days With Firefox 2.0 — It’s Going To Take Some Time To Get Used To
I bit the bullet the other day and “upgraded” all my computers to Firefox 2.0. Why? Fuck if I know, I just thought it was the right thing to do. Since I used to use the TabX extension I was not disturbed to see that they incorporated an ‘X’ on each tab. The built-in spelling checker is also a nice addition although I will still rely on the Dictionary.Com search extension as a means for making sure that I am using the word that I think I am.

What has thrown me is a change made on the Mac version. Since adding Macs to my computer repertoire last year I’ve gotten used to holding down the single mouse button for a few seconds which then got interpreted as a right-button mouse click. This feature has been changed and now I am forced to do a CTRL + button mouse click in order to simulate a right-button click. This requires two hands instead of one, and worse than that requires retraining of my mind.

Early, Smoke-Free, And Awesome
What are two things normally associated with The EARL?

– late starts
– smoking

Neither of those occurred at last night’s National Grain / Alejandro Escovedo show.

A month ago I purchased four tickets for the show. Unfortunately things fell apart with one of the people who was to attend, and I was too lazy to do the legwork to find a fourth so I asked the girl at the ticket desk to let the next person who was purchasing a ticket in for free. I am not sure if it actually happened but it was nice to have one of those Pay It Forward moments.

I am guessing that the early start tripped up more than one show goer last night which accounted for the unusually small crowd assembled for the National Grain set. A big thanks goes out to my friend Betsy for alerting me that it was to be an early start otherwise I might have been one of those who missed them as well (see also Piebald @ Masquerade although this time the venue’s website was in error).

National Grain put on their typically great set. I’ve mentioned them in this space before and still say that if you are a fan of Alt-Country you should check them out. One good place to do so is Decatur CD where they will be doing an in-store set at 3pm this Saturday (that’s tomorrow). Not only will you hear great music, but I have also heard that there will be a 20% discount on all purchases made tomorrow. That’s not too shabby..

Alejandro Escovedo may be the most unlikely rocker on the planet (see photo below), but man can that guy (and his band) jam! I am not all that familiar with his catalog of music but I now know why his shows usually sell out.

ITP Flickr Pic
From last night’s concert…

Alejandro Escovedo

One of the bands covers was a song they have never performed (it was an Oasis song I believe). I got a good chuckle out of this girl who held up the lyrics for Alejandro so that he could read them as he sang.

It’s Called “The World’s Largest Outdoor Cocktail Party”
And let’s keep it that way, mmmmmm’kay?

The annual meeting of teams who truly hate one another happens tomorrow down in Jacksonville, Florida. I’ll most likely be found drunk at home watching the game on the big screen. All I can say at this point is Go Gators!

Paulie Public Service Announcement
This weekend marks the end of Daylight Savings Time, don’t forget to set those clocks back. Can I use the time spent typing this entry as Community Service time now?

And now for some ideas stolen from LiveJournal…
Current Mood – wet, but soooo glad it’s Friday!
Current Music – Sirius Satellite Radio, Channel 26 playing Brian Jonestown Massacre — “Whatever Hippie Bitch”
Website Of The Day – The nice folks at the Perimeter Transportation Coalition gave me $25, so I will give them some link love.
Exercise (b)Log – none

Paulie [eatl/ga]

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5 Responses to I’m A Winner!

  1. beans says:

    this may or may not interest you, but i plugged in a microsoft wireless mouse to my recently purchased macbook pro (i had the mouse for my old pc laptop) and the right click on the mouse functions on the mac as it would on a pc, that is to say it brings up the menu that the mac mouse would bring up if you held down CTRL-click. works for Firefox 2.0 so far and has made my transition to the mac that much easier and makes me laugh even more than i didn’t switch sooner in life.

    btw, go dawgs. i will be unable to watch the game but that is probably best for my sanity’s sake.

  2. Barb says:

    hey – remember those free Marta Breeze cards we all ordered thru that link you had? I ordered one for me, and one for Allan, & we only got 1 in the mail the other day (w/ Allan’s name on the envelope). I’ll be so bummed if I have to buy one.

  3. Paulie [eatl/ga] says:

    @beans – You just reminded me that I bought a travel mouse and have it crammed into a drawer at home.

    @barb – bummer! I wonder if they had a one-per-household limit.

  4. Smoove D says:

    Totally. Why are the schools so upset about world’s largest outdoor cocktail party? Do they dislike selling tickets?

    Go Gators! Even though I hate every school from the state of Florida, Georgia angers me even more.

    @Barb – MARTA probably screwed it up – they’re not super at quality control

  5. Martha says:

    Barb, I ordered one for me and one for Gentri at the same time and they came a couple of days apart. Maybe it will still show up.

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