One If By Choice, Two If By Sleep

Those were the two ways I missed two of the three planned concerts this weekend. I saw the Built To Spill show as planned on Friday night, although I have to admit to leaving at 12:35am because I was tired and didn’t expect the show to be a late one. Saturday I was in no mood to go out, especially to a club to I have never been. And Sunday a bike ride and too much beer did me in. When I got home I decided to take a short nap to recuperate for the Ben Kweller show, unfortunately “short” turned into “two hours” and when I woke up it was too late to rally to go to the show.

No Wii For Me (aka Wee)
What a bummer! I heard that a pre-sale of Nintendo’s next generation console known as the Wii (pronounced “we”, or “oui”) was happening at GameStop/EB stores on Friday. I also heard that the pre-sale would end at each store once the allotted units had been purchased. So at 10:30am I strolled over to Perimeter Mall (have you heard that there is an Apple Store there now?) with the intention of making a pre-sale purchase. Somewhat to my surprise the pre-sale was already over by the time I arrived at the store.

Oh well. I now predict that I will probably never own a Wii because that’s the type of person I am. When I get all wound up about buying something I either complete the transaction immediately, or never at all. Only time will tell.

Wild Kingdom
I was completely in awe on Saturday morning. While driving up Moreland Avenue like I have so many times before I saw something that I have never seen happen in real life and I wish I was able to photograph the sequence.

There is a Church’s Chicken at the corner of Moreland and Wylie. While driving through that intersection I saw a large bird of prey (hawk or falcon) with its wings fully extended swooping down under the Church’s street-level sign. Seconds later I saw the bird fly from the ground with a rodent in its talons. While I certainly felt badly for the rodent I am well aware that this is all part of the circle of life.

ITP Flickr Pic
Citrus Curry Beef, Up Close And Personal

This was a fantastic dinner (Citrus Curry Beef) that I made Saturday (to cushion the blow of the losses ahead of me).

Bad Weekend For My Orange And Blue
Well, I had that deep feeling in my gut that I was not going to be happy come Sunday morning, and I was unfortunately right. Not only did my Mets underwhelm this weekend, my beloved Gators also dropped a game that they could have won. I give much credit to Auburn who I knew would be a good enough team to make sure that they wouldn’t lose two consecutive games at home.

What does this all mean to my life? Truth be told not a whole lot more than bragging rights which get me a whole lot of nothing in the real world.

And now for some ideas stolen from LiveJournal…
Current Mood – bummed, tired, and a bit saddle sore
Current Music – Sirius Satellite Radio, Channel 26 playing Cold War Kids — “Hang Me Out To Dry”
Website Of The DayTaking Your Camera On The Road is a pretty decent website about travelling and photography.
Exercise (b)Log – biking, ~15 miles yesterday
Monday Morning Weigh-In – 203 lbs (boo! hiss!)

Paulie [eatl/ga]

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11 Responses to One If By Choice, Two If By Sleep

  1. Amity says:

    Gators. 🙁

  2. Paulie [eatl/ga] says:

    Yes, Gators. 🙁

  3. Beth says:

    Someone kidnapped the Gators and replaced them with a high school team the second 1/2.

    On the other hand, at least we didn’t lose to Vandy. At home 🙂

  4. Paulie [eatl/ga] says:

    I am hoping that this loss will fire the Gators up for the World’s Biggest Cocktail Party in two weeks.

  5. Cory says:

    It could have been worse, you could have lost to Vandy. 😉

    State of Tennessee 2, UGA 0.

  6. Cory says:

    Just read your earlier post. I jumped ships from the T-mo sidekick to sprint for the Treo. Cingular is supposed the announce the “antenna-nubless” 750 any day now.

    I switched to the Treo purely for the outlook integration that Sprint offers. I run a small app on my PC that keeps the Treo constantly synched with Outlook (I can respond to email, accept/deny/create meetings, etc).

    Not to muddy the waters anymore, but I’m totally diggin’ the Treo so far.

  7. Amity says:

    So, no comment on The Race last night? How ’bout those new rules? Next week will be interesting.

  8. Paulie [eatl/ga] says:

    I am in a holding pattern in regards to phones right now. I am waiting to see what happens in the next few months to see what transpires. That is always subject to change, however…

  9. Paulie [eatl/ga] says:

    I was rushed to finish the blog this morning so I couldn’t add anything about Amazing Race. I will bring up tomorrow, thanks for reminding me. 🙂

  10. Smoove D says:

    At least Dennis Fraudchione isn’t your coach.

  11. Angus says:

    some silly sports game screwed my Tivo out of recording the most of the Amazing Race–what change in rules? who was last? Were they eliminated–ARGH!! Guess I could read the Amaz. Race web site… Instead I’ll complain when you don’t keep me posted….

    and–you SHOULD defiantly get a Wii. Then you can sell it to me for cheap–I don’t wanna pay full price for a USED wii. Get one get one–hey wouldn’t it “go” nicely with yer hashin’ name???? You really should get one!

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