I’m Not At Work

Everything I typed prior to losing my internet connection at home (and then heading to Joe’s Coffee Shop where I was unable to get onto their wireless connection) has been lost.

I’m taking the day off from work and because I am now faced with having to type everything over again have decided to take the day off from blogging. Everyone have a great weekend.

And now for some ideas stolen from LiveJournal…
Current Mood – frustrated
Current MusicKXEP Live Performances Podcast featuring Cold War Kids (remember this name)

Paulie [eatl/ga]

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3 Responses to I’m Not At Work

  1. Amity says:

    Sucks when the Internets are against you. Have a good weekend and a nice day off. 🙂

  2. Barb says:

    I wish I could take the day off…….. you should go out for a bike ride, it is a beautiful day! We are going to do that after work tonight, but I’d rather do it in the middle of the day.

  3. Paulie [eatl/ga] says:

    @Amity: I was *trying* hard to be optimistic this morning and then things just started crumbling around me. I hope you have a nice weekend as well.

    @Barb: A ride was originally in the plan, then the weather looked a might sketchy, and now I’ve just returned from eating a large lunch. I may still go for a ride, but it will not be the serious type I used to do.

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